Why you need a Car and things to consider before buying one


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Why you need a Car and things to consider before buying one
Posted on: June 26, 2017, 06:13:29 PM
You have thought about it and finally you want to buy a car, that's great I love your courage that is why I have taken this time to write about why you need a Car and things to consider before buying one

I want to share with you some simple ways you can follow to buy a car even with average monthly salary and not actually big monthly salary but before then I want to warn you, before thinking of buying a car be sure to have a genuine reason for doing so not actually to showcase your status, anyway whatever the case may don't put yourself in trouble all in the name of buying a Car but if true it time for you to buy a car then let me help you on how you can acquire a car and the necessary things you need to know before buying any car.

Low salary earners can still buy a car

Most people that have cars don't actually earn millions or even big salary and yet they have one or two cars the question is how they managed to buy cars even with their low salary level.

Some bought a car courtesy of their working place, yes many bought car with the help of their companies where they work which helps them with the loan and at the end, some percentage of their salary will be deducted monthly until the whole money is paid off.

Now, what if you are self-employed or not privileged to work in a big company that can help you finance a car what will you do?

Join a good Co-operative
a good Co-operative can help you not only to buy a car but lands and houses, I have heard about a Co-operative that helps their members to achieve more with their little earnings and all you need is to join them and contribute to saving your money with them to help others and you will earn little interest on whatever you have saved with them and after 6 months of joining you will have access to get a loan of 3 times of whatever you have saved examples.

If you save 100,000 you can request for loan of 300,000 to pay back in 18 months (1 year and 6 months)
if you save 500,000 you can request for loan upto 1,500,000
Save upto 3,000,000 you qualify for 9,000,000 loans  and that's how it works

One-time interest rate is 10%
You don't need to pay for interest monthly for the loan you collect from your Co-operative because they only collect 10% of the amount you are requesting for the whole 18 months and if you have something good doing you shouldn't have any problem with such loan because even when you can't complete the payment you can request them to use the one you have saved to settle the remaining balance.

The interest collected is still for all the Co-operative members and are shared based on the amount you have within them

Why do you need a Car while you don't have the money?
Some might be quick to ask this question but there are many reasons why a man might be thinking of buying a car knowing full well that his salary is not up to the amount of the car he wants to buy but what about a family that needs to go work, take their children to the school, go to church and so on.

A car is a liability as we use to say but don't tell me that you enjoy working along the road on a heavy rain carrying your 3 years old child while your pregnant wife carries bags on her head holding other children with her hands while you should have been inside a car with all the side glasses closed.

To buy a car as low salary earner you must as well make sure you don't buy problems for yourself but a helper, go for small, affordable and easy to maintain cars then you can upgrade to bigger one's when your salary grows up.

Go for direct Tokumbo cars and not Nigerian used cars
Nigerian used cars can be cheaper for sure but might give you a big headache while Tokumbo might be expensive but will give you peace of mind.

If you are buying a Nigerian used car make sure you buy from someone who wants to upgrade to bigger car prompting him to sell his car or those who are desperately in need of money and selling their car is the only option to solve their problems not those who want to sell off their problem car to you to follow them to enjoy their headache.

Consider the maintenance cost of the car
Sometimes it's not all about the cars you like most or those one's you can afford but the one you can easily maintain because they are strong and cost less to maintain.

Consider Fuel Consumption
There are cars that consume lesser fuel than others and as a low salary earner, you should be conscious of the fuel consumption of any car you want to buy to avoid ending up feeding your car and leaving your children hungry.

Finally, wish you good luck choosing the right car, feel free to ask any question regarding why you need a Car and things to consider before buying one, or contribute your own opinion.


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