Between a male child and a female child - Which is more beneficial in Nigeria


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You might have heard debates on “A male child is more beneficial than a female child”. How true is this? How can male and female children be compared?

In a family system, both the male and female are the life time wish of couples but situation may warrant them to ask, Which one is beneficial? This becomes rather complicated.

Religion could also affect your wishes about the future gender of the child. Much priorities are given to males in the Muslim world as there are a lot of benefits for men against women.

In the Christian perspective, both the male and the female are both priotized and couples are likely to be happy.

Nature and characters of boys and girls

Boys tends to be more energetic, active, restless, and aggressive. Even being young, they want establish their position in society.

Effects of a male child can range from a broken window to a fight and even serious incidents. These qualities can be easy for a father to deal with as he has a strong will, but unfortunately, a woman has to be tough when raising a boy. Some mothers are easily frustrated with their boys show of discontent.

The reactions of girls are much more different. By nature, the girls are calmer and more benevolent, it's easier to agree with them.But at the same time, girls are more likely to express their emotions with words and behavior, rather than physically, as boys do.

This makes it incomprehensible for the father, because female psychology is a mystery to them, so mothers have to deal with all this.

In a dad's physiology, the older her girl becomes, the more frightening it appears to let her go somewhere. In adolescence, a girl will begin to feel unfree, so there may be conflicts with her parents.

The health of Boys and Girls

According to scientists,early in life, boys are more prone to infectious diseases. These diseases arise because of cuts, bruises, and other injuries due to boys qualities.

For girls, the most terrible times begin at puberty, then the risk of infectious diseases and allergies increases. Reorganization of the hormonal system leads to skin diseases, to changes in weight. As girls continue down in life, their hormonal organization will present surprises and risks which may be hard to bore like that of early pregnancy.

Expenses for boys and girls

When it comes down to the expenses for boys and girls, there is a slight difference in the price magnitude, also, there are times when each gender requires more monetary substance than the other. So it may make no sense to compare to whom they are more expensive.

A boy at an early age always needs more clothes, because it tears and gets dirty. Shoes get worn out faster also. In general, boys are less careful with things, so clothes and toys often have to be repaired or replaced. In the future, when a boy grows up, his toys, of course, become more expensive.

The girl needs all this less often.

Boys tend to change their hobbies more likely as they get bored in one place.

Girls neatly treat things, and, in principle .

Independent life of boys and girls

A boy by nature is more independent. Therefore, to the parent it is easiier to let him get on and stand on his feet and boldly goes into real life as a man.

In this aspect, a girl is very difficult to let go as she is gradually becoming the mistress of the house.

In conclusion, for a father ,rearing a male child is easier. While to a mother, rearing a female child is relatively simple and vice versa.

The debate of 'Which child is more beneficial in the Nigerian society - male or female' would still be regularly debated like the Ronaldo - Messi comparison


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