How to raise your GPA [CGP] in Nigerian Universities — strategies


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After being admitted into higher learning institutions some while, the next big thing students do think about is the magnitude of their GPA mainly on a 5.0 scale.

Some universities in Nigeria do follow a particular sequence of 5.0 limit and do link their grade as shown below:

5.0 — A
4.0 — B
3.0 — C
2.0 — D
0.0 — F

Grades are accorded as follows:

100 – 70% — A
60 – 69% — B
50 – 59 — C
45 – 49 – D
0 – 45 — F

All these techniques work in other to assign at the end of a learning program a grade or class to students due to their various level of performances. A 1st class graduate is one who graduates with a GPA of 4.5 and above.

Apart from the first class, there are other classes of grades that are assigned based on ones capability with the worst being a pass mark — GPA 1.5 - 2.5. There is the second class uppers popularly called the 2:1 in Nigeria —— GPA - 3.5 - 4.49. The second class lower is commonly named 2:2 —— 2.5 – 3.49. The third class is the pass.

Graduating with a high GPA is the battle of every student in the university sphere, A's are sought after with fervour. Normally, what you make in your first year of study determines where your GPA would land.

Raising your GPA – How hard is it?

Your first semester's GPA in a school doesn't necessary determine how your GPA would land in final year — This doesn't mean you should flaunt you first year first semester GPA. Having a poor GPA going into the latter or ending part of your program can't necessary be changed. If targeting a high GPA before graduating is what you want, then it will only affect it by only a margin if effected. To be practical a bit: My GPA being 4.09 isn't that good [personally], a little more academic push to the degree of 4.90 another academic semester might average on a 4.5 GPA. Having a good GPA doesn't necessary mean you've arrived as it requires constant nurturing since it might slip any moment. As the first step to raising a GPA, read on how to be an influential 'A' student[/url].

Be disciplined to a plan

At the top of procedures to making a good looking GPA in school is discipline. Promising to follow a pattern is one thing, following the pattern you profess is another thing.

You have made series of plans as a student. You even structured how your workings throughout your academic time would be made to maximize efficiciency. You may have propose what you need to do in other to change your last seasons bad performance but without discipline, all may come to futility. This brings the sense of discipline being a crucial element in GPA straightening up.

You might be someone who loves walking around doing nothing. One who loves being in the company of women, one who can't stand even 1 hour of reading. You can greatly up your night reading struggle with these tips.

Improve Your Study Strategy

Failing to plan is like planning to fail. Make plans for your study as this is the only assured way of augmenting your GPA. Different people have different time and position of extreme assimilation. There are times you may not really get something onto your head and there are times you feel at ease to read. Everyone has a schedule and learning pattern, perfect your own to best serve you.

Time based reading discussed here doesn't mean you have to get caught by laziness in reading. Your plan should definitely involve reading without seizure.

If you don't have a study strategy, you can study all day and night and still not get anywhere. To make the most of your study time is to employ a study strategy.

Take Every Class Seriously

Its normal that some classes are very interesting to you while on the other hand others are mere super- boring. Others might like the boring one and vote-down the one that is of more interest to you.

In other to generally have a good GPA at the end, learn to like every lecture and consequently, every lecturer. It is a good thing to be notice by a lecturer as a good, obedient and diligent student than the vice versa.

Being serious with classes will make you never to intentionally miss lectures or even being late to it. Coming to lecture early guarantees a place at the front where every bits from the lecturer can be jotted down.

Managing Sleep as a student

Maintain a good sleep time is a product of good time management. This time management does not necessarily mean having a spacy time allocated for sleep. Learning to defeat sleep entails discipline from the part of the student. As nice as it sounds sleep can become a disaster to your academic life - as too much of it buds underperformance.

 Although it's good to spend a fair amount of time studying before a test, it's just as important to get enough rest. Sleep improves concentration, solidifies what you have learned and improves your ability to organize and recall information. Poor performance in school can often be directly linked to sleep deprivation.

Develop a Note-Taking System

Note taking is very important as key points during lecture can proof to be an indispensable tool in passing examinations.
Different professors have different teaching styles. Some lecture, some use power point slides and some depend on handouts and textbooks. The inconsistency if not handled properly can lead to a forthcoming low performance. The best way to handle this is to get to identify and develop a note-taking system that works with each professor's teaching style.

Have a small body of intelligent friends

Social wise, you should make enormous friends in the campus, but those you make should be selective.
 Spend some time with a study friend who has a high GPA. Your smart friend will be able to help you out when you struggle and may prove to be a good influence should you feel the urge to slack.

Raising a GPA in conclusion isn't an easy a task and comes with its own cost ; success in anything comes with a cost.  Be disciplined and nothing will be a limit for you!


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