Swiftness is often considered good office behaviour. The quicker you perform a certain task, the more productive you are. However, fast you might want your own self to be, certain factors might slow down your pace and one of them is poor and/or slow mobile network coverage.
This has been the tale of Nigerian mobile phone users especially ones that do use the internet consistently. The reason for this poor network coverage may be pointed to the high number of users per network mass thereby reducing the swift movement of data. This is often noticed in crowded towns and cities even where there are network masts of a particular network company around. Other causes of slow internet processing are best known to telecom companies.
The increase in technology and technological tasks has led to an increase in apps and software files. These are tasks that require more data and faster processing. 4G LTE is currently the fastest wireless data connection technology that exists. It is of note that with a 4G LTE sim, you could download a 1.4GB movie in just 5 minutes 28 seconds.
Telecommunication companies in the country have recently opted for the transmission of data through fibre optic cables to large town/cities. The cost of laying these cables and the cable itself has made 4G services expensive and limited to large towns or cities. Although expensive than the normal data subscription, MTN 4G LTE service is roundly effective and accords smooth browsing.
How to get MTN 4G LTE?Before being in need of an MTN 4G LTE sim card, note that you need to verify that your place is a 4G vicinity, otherwise continue with you normal 3G or 2G.
→ Check whether its 4G LTE complaint
The first step is to make sure your phone and SIM is 4G compliant. To know if your phone has 4G LTE, visit a good phone review site and search for your phone model, then, look for “LTE” in the network features.
Alternatively, you can text 4G to 131. If the device is compatible with 4G, you will receive a message like:
Yello! Your device is 4G ready, but you need to upgrade your SIM to enjoy MTN 4G LTE. Please visit the nearest MTN store or partner retailer for a SIM swap now.However,
If the device is not compatible to use the service, you will receive a message like:
Yello! You need to upgrade your SIM card and device to enjoy MTN 4G LTE. Please visit the nearest MTN store or partner retailer to upgrade now.→ Get an MTN 4G LTE SIM card
If your device is compatible for 4G, visit any nearest MTN service centre to request for an MTN 4G SIM Card. Don't forget to bring with you your current MTN sim card and their details.
Also to be brought are a valid ID card (Student or NIMC temporary card can be accepted).
A little form will be given out to you to fill. It contains details like Name, Mother’s Maiden name, address, the number of the SIM you want to upgrade, last six frequently dialled phone numbers, current tariff plan, Date of Birth, and last two amount recharged. It is necessary to input them correctly.
If you have confirmed your phone is 4G enabled to use MTN 4G network and have gotten yourself a 4G SIM card, then dial
*444# to check and select any MTN 4G data plan of your choice. Some of the data plans are:
→ 100MB for N500 (Valid for 7 days).
→ 150MB for N499 (Valid for 24 hours).
→ 200MB for N1000 (Valid for 30 days).
→ Unlimited data for N36,999 (Valid for 30 days).
→ 42GB for N66499 (Valid for 12 Months).
→ 10GB for N6000 (Valid for 30 days).
→ 15GB for N10,000 (Valid for 30 days).For other network operators like:
→ Glo subscribers
Swap your current SIM for a USIM
Text 4G to 400, and
You’d receive an SMS to check your if phone or device supports LTE for Glo
→ Etisalat subscribers
They are exempted from having to do a SIM swap.
The etisalat LTE service comes up automatically provided your device is LTE compatible and in an area covered by 4G.