How to track/ find a stolen car in Nigeria


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How to track/ find a stolen car in Nigeria
Posted on: December 09, 2018, 03:04:11 PM
Luxurious cars are in plenty in the country and unfortunately so are car thieves. Chances that a car might be stolen easily because of lack of car tracking equipments are high especially during festive periods.

You might think it's hard for a car to get stolen as a non car owner. However, putting yourself in their shoe would clear your thought on this. The reality is, if you have an admired asset with you, there's this insecure panic around the owner.

Cars in Nigeria are apart from being admired, a very costly asset. Get a good car and see the prestige you will gather for yourself. The older ones aren't to be condemned entirely as they are also expensive aswell. Talk less of losing one?

In advanced countries where tracking devices are fully implemented, electronic tracking would have been encouraged. The effectiveness of these devices in the country(Nigeria) isn't high given that most cities and towns are still way behind.

The only tracking service known to be workable best in the lagos area is the MTN C-track.

Your stolen car might be taken to where your tracking company might not track and that calls for other methods.

There are several items you should have handy inorder to track a vehicle.

To be sincere, if at least none of the items are provided, you should better off forget about the car. These things are what a car owner should normally have in possession.

Items needed for tracking a vehicle

1. License plate Number
2. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
3. The brand
4. Color
5. Model
6. Car receipt
7. Vehicle clearance details( If imported)
8. Other details of the car.

Getting back your stolen car can be assured if you take the following steps.

How to track a stolen car

1. Report to the police: This should be your first action step. With the details of your car head straight to the nearest police station and tender your report.

You might be asked about the incident surrounding the theft, please feel free to share it with them. As you really know the Nigerian police, you really need to follow up your request with them.

2. Create awareness about the theft: Make known to friends, relatives about your stolen car. Extend it to places you usually take the car to. With the news give them more details of the car. Friends might offer advices, try to gather these advises, then weigh which one would help find your car.

3. Gather hints from neighbourhood: People who atleast were in the location of the theft might possess one or more hint that might be of help.

The conspirator behind the theft might be in the neighbourhood. Be negotiative in your approach; never be authoritative. Asking about subtly might help much more than using armed forces to molest people.

4. Track it yourself: With help from friends, you can set out tracking the vehicle. Start by monitoring the possible location the thief might go with the vehicle, ask people around if the theft was in a village - town scene common in Nigeria.

If the vehicle hits highway, this method is ineffective.

5. Offer incentives to people: Let more people know of the stolen car by offering rewards to anyone who finds it. Churches, gatherings and even the media shouldn't be left out in your awareness.

These incentives might bring in people who had hints but cared less to be interested. People would as well be open to engage in the tracking. Don't wait till your car is stolen before preventing it as prevention is indeed better. Survey well the locations that you had placed your car.

Most thefts are not pre-planned by theives, it's just because owners do make it easy for the to hijack. Be conscious of your car.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 09:32:35 PM by Asphalt »

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