How Much Data is enough for Blogging (Bloggers)


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How Much Data is enough for Blogging (Bloggers)
Posted on: March 24, 2019, 06:59:00 PM
Do you know that Bloggers consumes more internet data than most people who don't spend much time apart from Facebooking, Whatsapp etc? I have seen people asking for the best data plans suitable for blogging because you need a reliable data package to blog efficiently.

If you are a full-time blogger you will understand that data is as important as food and water you eat and drink because without data you can't even do anything. Blogging is not about chatting on facebook but involves more research which results in going from one webpage to the other.

We are going to find out why bloggers consume more data and as well the most suitable data plan they should be going for when reliability, price, and speed matters

* Why Bloggers consumes more data.
* The best data plan for bloggers
* How to minimize data consumption

Why Bloggers consumes more data

Let me use myself as an example though, am sure there are bloggers out there who spend lots of money on data more than I do. I am not an expert when it comes to web design and development but I can play with codes and add or remove unwanted features that I don't like.

My area of expertise is researching and writing, that what eats my data most using different tools to find information and as will going to different webpages to gather what I need before writing. Sometimes you might need to watch online videos and download some files to get some facts and those things consume data too.

However, opening a few pages a day doesn't consume much but when you become a full-time blogger then the internet becomes your second home. If you don't have office and work from home then even your neighbors will call you Yahoo Boy because they don't know what you are doing but always sees you with phone and Laptop.

To summarise this, I can tell you that for 5 years I have never spent 24 hours without an active data subscription on my phone or modem because I value it more than food.

The best data plan for bloggers

If you are living in a big city like Lagos then you have more options from different providers, You can buy reliable data packages from Smile, spectranet 4G etc.

When it comes to mobile telecommunications in Nigeria, we have MTN, GLO, AIRTEL and 9MOBILE which offers affordable data packages but presently GLO is the cheapest but surely not the best in terms of stability and speed. Most people hate GLO because they are sometimes unreliable and can just disappoint you when you need them most.

Moreover, what you need might not be the cheapest but stable network that will not interrupt you while working and for that reason, you need to find out the mobile telecom that has stable network signal in your location.

Affordable data plans for bloggers and other heavy data users

There are some good packages you can subscribe to paying between N1,000 - N6,000 on either MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, or 9MOBILE.

MTN Best Data Offer

To get the best and hot data deals on MTN network you need to download MyMTN App and you will be able to see their hot deals.

1. 750MB for N500 (One Week)
2. 3GB for N1500 (Monthly)
3. 15GB for N6000 (Monthly) best for bloggers.

Through MyMTN App you will get these offers and even get 100GB for N30,000 with 60 days validity.

GLO best data offer

I have been using GLO for years now and when it comes to affordability they are the best but sometimes their network will disappear especially when there is a rainfall but still their offer are very tempting.

* N2,500  7.2GB,      30 Days   Text”54″ to 127 or dial   *127*54#
* N4,000    12.5GB   30 Days   Text”59″ to 127  or dial   *127*59#
* N5,000   15.6GB   30 Days   Text”11″ to 127   or dial   *127*2#

Airtel best data offer

Airtel has lots of data packages you can use especially to those who use their 4G data plans, see what they have for you below

* N2,500 DATA PLAN   2500   4.5GB   1GB (Night)   30 Days   –   *141*2500#
* N3,000 DATA PLAN   3000   5.5GB   1GB (Night)   30 Days   –   *141*3000#
* N4,000 DATA PLAN   4000   7.5.5GB   2GB (Night)   30 Days   –   *141*4000#
* N5,000 DATA PLAN   5000   10GB   2GB (Night)   30 Days   –   *141*5000#


9Mobile might be offering stable data services but when it comes to affordability then you are better off but still if you choose to use them you can find out their data offer below.

N2,000 DATA PLAN   2000   2.5GB   –   30 Days   *229*2*8#
N3,000 DATA PLAN   3000   4GB   –   30 Days   –   *229*2*35#
N4,000 DATA PLAN   4000   5.5GB   –   30 Days   –   *229*2*36#
N5,000 DATA PLAN   5000   7.1GB   –   30 Days   –    *229*2*37

How to minimize data consumption

Well, you don't need to spend more money buying data while you earn less as a blogger especially if you are a newbie, what you do is to avoid wasting your data unnecessarily.

If your main objective is to make money as a blogger then you should learn to stay focussed doing what matters most. Don't use your data to download music and videos for pleasure but strictly for business. When you have some money from blogging you can use your data the way you want since the money is no longer a problem.


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