7 Reasons You Need Technical Skills Even If You Don’t Work In Tech


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Technology is gradually infiltrating every aspect of our lives and will do so even in the future. The developments in technology have made it possible for not only employees with technical jobs (like Java Programmers, Database Designers, Android Developers, and more) to require technical skills. Technical skills are now becoming an important requirement for people regardless of the role of their job and industry.

This article aims to explain some of the reasons why having technical skills is important and why you should always update your skills. This article will also help you learn how to develop your technical skills with Open Colleges IT, Programming, and Developer Learning Library.

When I say gaining technical skills, I don't mean knowing Microsoft Office. Some technical skills are Amazon Web Services Core Concepts (AWS), or SQL Database Administration. Gaining knowledge on any of the above listed technical skills might seem irrelevant if you're not working in technology. The truth is that having even the basic knowledge of these skills will be of great advantage to your career.

Reasons Why You Need Technical Skills Irrespective of Your Industry

The good thing about having little knowledge of technical skills is that once you know how one part works, figuring out the rest will be quite easier. The benefit of possessing technical skills goes way beyond the tech industry. Both personally and professionally, coding can be used in different aspects of your life. The benefits of having technical skills are so much that you'll feel disadvantaged if you have no basic knowledge. Here are some of the benefits of technical skills:

1.   Better Problem Solving Skill

The art of coding involves problem-solving. So, it's quite obvious that once you're good at coding you'll have more advanced problem-solving skills. In coding, you need to understand the problem the user has before coming up with a solution. Once you've figured out the solution, the next step is to test your solution so you can find bugs or possible improvements to help get a better solution. Problem-solving is a universal skill. It applies to every part of our lives irrespective of our lifestyle or work.

2.   Technology Becomes Less Frustrating

If you know a little bit about tech, using technology would be a lot less frustrating. Although possessing coding skills might not help you in knowing how to build and program a smartphone, everything that has to do with tech will make a lot more sense to you. Once you learn the basics, with practice you can be a guru.

3.   Save Money

Having technical skills will help you save money. How? There are certain things you might want to fix that doesn't need you to take it to a repairer. With technical skills, you will be able to diagnose and fix most of the technical problems you're having. Most of the tech problems we regularly check are a Google search away.

4.   Helps You Become a Better Leader

Most companies are now becoming technology-dependent. If you're a manager or CEO, you must have the basic knowledge of every department in the company. If you do not know some tech side of the company, working efficiently would be a lot difficult.

When I say knowing the tech side of your company would help you be a good leader, I didn't mean that you need to be a full-stack web development pro. All you need is a little knowledge of the basic technical skills. These technical skills are HTML, CSS, knowing the difference between JavaScript and Ruby, or the purpose of a Content Management System (CMS).

Being one of the bosses in a company, you'll be made to make certain decisions. Having a basic knowledge will help you become a helpful part of the company instead of being one of the headaches or hindrances to the companies success.

5.   Helps You Become a Better Collaborator

There are tons of designers and developers that work alone but since technology grows every day, people are now joining forces to work together as part of a design and development team. When you start working in a team, you'll gain very beneficial collaboration skills. When you start troubleshooting codes with other developers or manage a tech project with a team of designers and developers, working in a team that isn't tech-related will be a lot easier.

6.   Your Career Becomes Future-proof

Most careers and industry are now becoming focused and reliant on technology. Even industries like agriculture, education, and marketing have integrated technology into their day-to-day operations. Only people with technical skills will be able to comfortably work and adapt to the changes in their industry.

Gaining technical skills will make the technology transitions easier. For instance, if you're a teacher and are used to grading and recording by hand when the education industry fully adapts to technology and start using digital ways will you be able to transition? What if you are a farmer and the full agriculture industry becomes digitalized will you be able to use some of the new technologies like the soil and crop sensors, bookkeeping software, GPS, mapping technologies for operations and equipment tracking.

You can never be the master of every technology-related career with just a basic knowledge of coding. It will only make you confident in your tech abilities. You will be able to easily learn some specific techniques you need in your job.

7.   Helps You Become Versatile or Well-rounded

Having a set of skill that is versatile or well-rounded will be of help to you both personally and professionally. When you're able to list a few basic technical skills on your resume, your resume will be very attractive to virtually every employer you show it to irrespective of the industry. When networking personally or professionally, having at least a basic knowledge of tech will come in handy.


If you have finally decided to gain some technical skills, you can check out different books or even attend some classes. Most of them are usually parked with useful information that can help you understand how the job of an entry-level developer looks like.


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