How honey actually benefit our health; why you should keep using it.
Honey was man's original sweetener. Honey is derived from the western honey bee(apis mellifera) which is a well-known honey bee distincting from the other 12 species of honey bees we have in the world today. The western honey bee was known to be among the first insects to be bred by man. Western honey bees can be seen in all the continents of the world except Antarctica. It is kept for the main purpose of producing honey and pollinating flowers. The western honey bee is the most significant pollinator in agriculture today. Honey is gotten when western honey bees gather nectar then transform it to honey and accumulate it in their hive. Honey is basically a combination of compound sugars, mainly glucose and fructose. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities thereby making it possible to reserve honey for a long period of time without the fear of it spoiling but solidifying only.
Pure honey is measured by it's colour which is preferred to the bleaker shade. The flavour of honey revolves around the flower the nectar used in making the honey was gotten from. Honey can be used as a condiment reliant on which dish to be prepared.
There are two classes of honey: Pure honey and Pasteurized honey. Pure honey is gotten straight from the beehive and reserved. Yeast, pollen and even wax are present in pure honey. Pasteurized honey is treated honey which is heated so as to avoid impurities.
1. Honey has been used by man for in the past millenniums.
2. Honey should not be given to a child less than a year(known to cause botulism)
3. Sugar can be replaced with honey in meals.
1. Honey has a healing property: honey can avert cancer and alleviate ulcers. It can also be used to treat wounds and burns.
2. It helps to regulate blood sugar in our body.
3. It helps to increase athletic performance.
4. It helps to repress cough in children.
5. The antioxidants in honey lowers blood pressure.
6. Honey can be used as a remedy for stress, bad breath, dermatitis, vomiting, tooth ache and many others.
Honey can also be used on different nature of skin; oily, moistureless or jammed. Honey is now one of the active ingredients used in skin care. One tablespoon of honey is said to contain 0 g of fat, protein and fiber, 17.3 g of sugar and 64 calories. Honey is another composition of sugar so our consumption should be reasonable.