Having a budget is a good idea to know what you are using your money and avoid squandering your money on things you do not need. Whether you are making money on your couch or even searching for money on your couch, you need to organize what you will be using that money properly. Proper budgeting will help you avoid spending all your money on online shopping and takeouts. With budgeting, you will be able to keep track of some subscriptions you made and forgot to opt-out.
However, budgeting has been made easy with the development of budgeting apps. With these apps, you will be able to track your cash flows. This article contains some really good apps that will help you with all your financial planning needs.
Top 10 Budget Planning Apps
Here are the top 10 budgeting apps and the things they offer.
Mint @ mint.comMint is an app that can be used when it is your first time budgeting your expenses — budgeting beginner. Budgeting is important because it can help when all your money is arranged or lined up in a spot. This app, Mint, will show you how your spending looks in a classic pie chart. You will be able to set up your reminders and avoid having overdue bills. This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
Wally @wally.meWally is a budgeting app that is suitable for people that own multiple bank accounts. When you are using this app, you will have to input all your bank account information from every bank you are banking with. With this, you will closely be able to tell what all your money is going into. Plus, you will be able to make a clear weekly budget for your groceries. This app is available and free only on iTunes.
YNAB @ youneedabudget.com(YNAB) is an abbreviation representing "You Need a Budget" which is an app or platform suitable for people that need intervention in their finances. It might seem like a waste of $11.99 every month, but it is an app worth paying for if you need a financial overhaul. With this app, you can tell where you have overspent, and you will also be able to see your financial obligations. If you probably took a loan and wish to pay it up without having any hitches, this app is your best bet. You will be able to start chipping away at your debt at your own pace. This app is available on both iTunes and Google Play, but it is a paid app. The app costs $11.99/month, but you are allowed a free 34 days trial.
Clarity Money @ claritymoney.comClarity is an app made, especially for people that are a little subscription happy. People that love subscribing to different entertainment channels and end up not watching anything. This app shows you all your recurring monthly expenses, and from there, you can decide which you think is useful and which you need to cancel. This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
Albert @ albert.comAlbert is the perfect budgeting app for people that wants to avoid Math. This app acts as your financial coach giving you advice by virtual yet real advisors that will show you where you can cut back in your expenses and invest more. This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
PocketGuard @ pocketguard.comPocketGuard is an app that will always remind you of how much spendable money you have left. The app calculates how much you'll have to spend to pay up upcoming bills and subtracts it from the money you have in your account and that gives you your total spendable money. This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
Goodbudget @ goodbudget.comThe Goodbudget app is an eco-friendly app by which its budgeting system resembles that of the old-school. This app was developed and designed with the old-school envelope budgeting system in mind. With this app, you can use digital envelopes to separate your income into sectors like groceries, paying off debts, personal experience, etc. This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
Simple @ simple.comSimple is an app that is great for both banking and budgeting. If you're the type of person that live banking right from their phone, this app is for you. This app will help you keep track of all your finances and give you advice on everything safe to spend on without using a spreadsheet. This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
EveryDollar @ everydollar.comEveryDollar is a perfect budgeting app for people that are obsessed with spending. With this app, you will be able to plan all your expenses — set a budget for everything you want to do (groceries, charity, personal expenses, possible a trip, and more). This app is available and free on both iTunes and Google Play.
HoneyFi @ honeyfi.comHoneyFi is your go-to budget app if you plan on planning a budget together with your boyfriend or girlfriend. You probably just moved in with your boyfriend or just got married, you might need a budgeting app to help ensure all your bills are paid. Many people tend to think that since you're already married, you might not need to set budgets, but it is not true. With this app, you can add every account you both have since it allows unlimited accounts to be logged in. This app is available on both iTunes and Google Play, but it is a paid app. The app costs $5/month, but you are allowed a free trial.