8 Steps In Creating An Online Course (Become Expert in no time)


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8 Steps In Creating An Online Course (Become Expert in no time)
Posted on: October 12, 2020, 04:43:09 PM
Many great entrepreneur in our society today once started small and gradually build till they become successful. One way they can pass their wealth of knowledge of their success is through creating an online course. Literally, anyone with a vast knowledge on a subject people want to know more of, is equally fit to create and sell an online courses.

With an online course by these successful entrepreneurs or individuals, it will serve as a guide to younger entrepreneurs or people looking forward to climbing the ladder of success.

In the world we live today, people generally seek to get more information in order to improve an aspect or every aspect of their life. With online courses created by expert in the field they want to know of, it becomes easier to get the right information needed at a particular time.

As a result of this reality, businesses and business owners have taken advantage of the opportunity by creating courses in different format that can be easily accessed by their audience, these includes; webinars, blog posts, video course and much more.

Online Courses aren't only created for experts to share their knowledge alone, but are also meant to be profitable as well. Expert or businesses who creates this courses should be expecting a good return on investment for their expertise and knowledge.

To have a good return on investment, experts and businesses have to learn how they can steadily converts potential customers into a paying customer on the long run with possibility of referring others.

With creating an online course that is highly valuable, at an affordable rate and using the right techniques, customers will be more than glad to refer your course to their close ones, that way the returns keeps increasing.

Some factors you have to adhere to while creating your course includes:

• Making sure your online course solves a problem your customer is facing.

• Making sure, the process in solving the problem is adequately stated in clear and simple words.

• Lastly, making sure, the solution is also useful to other areas of their lives.

The need for information in solving our problems keeps on increasing on a daily basis. There's a high number of people today who are enrolling for online course. And anyone could be the experts who create such courses.

Anyone with a solution to a particular problem can create one, businesses looking forward to increasing sales can likewise create one, literally anyone can created an online course, provided they've been successful in that field.

Steps In Creating An Online Course:

As an expert in a field, you probably want to create your online course for a particular audience, but don't know how to go about in creating one. You perhaps thought it a good way of making passive income, constantly earning with your expertise.

In this post, we give you 8 detailed steps you need to adequately follow in creating your first online course, for sharing your wealth of knowledge and making profit.

Let dive into the step:

1. Identity Your Area Of Expertise

The very first process in creating your online course, would be identifying clearly what you're good at, literally what you have passion for, something you've dedicated your time to and have seen massive success which other people wish to also have. The following questions might be useful in identifying your expertise :

• What area of my life have I seen massive success in?

• Are there people struggling to pass through that area?

• Will people pay me if I show them how I became successful in that field?

These questions might seem little but are highly effective in helping you know what your area of expertise is.

2. Identify The Problem You Wish To Solve With Your Online Course

The next step you need to consider in creating your online course, is stating clearly the exact problem of the customer you wish to solve. It can be a problem you've also encountered in your journey to success and not many people are aware of the process you used in solving such problem.

Creating a course that highlights that problem with a possible solution is one great way to create a successful online course customer will be willing to pay for.

While you are sure of those problems you should also be sure if it a problem, customers will be willing to pay by all means to solve, and pay high at that. It also should be a problem face by a large percentage of the populace. A course on "how to make money" for instance, would create massive returns in countries in Africa with high poverty rate.

3. Identity Your Target Customer

If you are creating an online course in order to make profit, you need to know where your potential clients would be, before creating the course. This will help in the effective marketing of your online course.

You need to adequately identify who and where your target audience are, and how you can reach out to them. Information such as knowing their age range would also come in useful.

4. State What Customers Will Achieve With Your Online Course

Clearly stating the goals and objective of your online course would be one step you should not forget to adhere to. Customers want valve for their money and your online course should give them the required result they desire. This result should therefore be stated before creating the online course.

The objectives should first be stated, since it simply means the actions needed to achieve a goal. In order word the processes in solving such problem should be adequately stated, then the goals which are the result such course wish to achieve should be stated next.

5. Create An Outline For Your Online Course

Having an outline involves creating a list of processes you wish to follow in crafting your course. You have to decide what information comes first, which comes second, which comes third and last respectively.

The outline will serve as the backbone of your online course, it simply the steps you have to follow as an expert in creating your course. Take the following steps into consideration:

• Structure your course content before starting the crafting process

• Your course description and requirements should be stated next.

• The learning outcome of your course should also be clearly stated in the outline

• Instructional materials needed to achieve success should also be in the outline.

6. Chose Your Online Course Presentation Format

Deciding what format your online course should be in, is very crucial at this stage. You have to decide if you want your course read or watched. That is written or video.

Another classification of the format would be if you want it to e-learning or webinars. Factors that will determine what format you use includes:

• The length of the course

• The hours that will be needed to complete a chapter or the entire course.

• The number of modules or chapters in your course.

7. Create Your Online Course Content

With every previous steps well taken, it now time for you to create your online course content. Follow the outline earlier made in crafting your course content.

• Choose a topic your audience would resonant with. Make it as simple as possible. For instance "How To Make Money In Nigeria"

• Research and gather more information you think might be needed to add more to what you already know.

• Adequately structure your chapters in bit sizes. Ensuring that each modules or chapter contains enough information needed by your audience.

• Lastly, make your content engaging and informative.

8. Market Your Online Course

With your course well created and knowing where your target audience are, it time to market your course. Take the following factors into consideration.

• Treat your online course like it a product launch. Carry out the necessary campaign needed to market the course.

• Social media is a big market you don't want to leave out. Go on social media and let people know about your course.

• Pay for ads to get the most effective result and returns you require. Paying for ads might be expensive but it's a sure way to get high returns on investment in the long run.


As an expert in a field, you should be able to follow the above steps in creating your very own online course. Literally anyone can create an online course, all you need do is to be an expert and apply the steps listed above and your online course is guaranteed of being a success.

The returns on investment would be determined by the effort of marketing you put in your online course. You should also make sure your course has the required solution to client problem. When a client is satisfied with your course they are more willing to refer you to their circle, and that means more money for you.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 10:06:57 PM by Everest »

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