8 Smart Ways To Make Money On Facebook easily


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8 Smart Ways To Make Money On Facebook easily
Posted on: October 16, 2020, 08:02:06 AM
Being the largest social media network in the world, there are numerous ways users can make money on Facebook. Nigeria, is not left out of this money making opportunity. With a population of over 200 million people, Facebook is the most used social media network in Nigeria.

In 2025, the number of Facebook users in Nigeria is expected to reach 43.53 million, up from 27.46 million in 2020.

With such staggering amount of users, there are certainly many ways users can make money on the platform. Both Individuals and businesses, can leverage on the opportunities this platform offers. If you've only been using the platform for messaging, it time you start earning.

In this post, we take a look at 8 smart ways you can make money on Facebook.

1. Affiliate Sales

You don't have to own a business, before making money on Facebook. You can sell other peoples product for a commission. Affiliate Marketing is one smart way, you can make money on Facebook.

Affiliate marketing, simply involves selling other peoples or company product for a percentage, after every successful sales, you get paid a commission.

You need to find a company whose product you want to sell, get a link from them, and promote that link to your Facebook followers. After a customer purchase the company's product from your link, you will get paid a commission.

2. Create Your Facebook Group

Having a Facebook group where you share valuable information, to your audience, is one smart way you can make money from the platform. First, you need to find a niche, create useful content, and sell some product to your audience. You also have the option of creating a paid group for your audience.

Making money with Facebook group, is not something you can achieve overnight, you have to build and nurture the group over a long period of time. Sharing content frequently, is a must for the growth of a Facebook group. Content keeps you audience engaged.

3. Become An Influencer

Are you an expert in a niche? You can become an influencer on Facebook and make money, while doing what you love. Once you have a good amount of following, brands will be willing, to pay you for promotion.

As with any other business, you need to build you account, to have large amount of traffic and engagement. Facebook influencers with large following and engagement are making real money on the platform from promotion of brands products and services.

4. Flipping Accounts, Pages And Groups

Do you have a large amount of followers? It could be your personal account, a page you created or a group. Whichever it is, you can sell them and make money. Brands buy pages and groups with huge amount of followers, they use them for promoting their products and services.

You can make a fortune from it, by just creating numerous accounts, pages and groups. Build your following, and approach brands who buys Facebook account, pages or groups. The larger the amount of followers and engagement, the more money you stand to make.

5. Sell Your Product Or Services

You might have heard this one so many times. It might seem old but people are still making millions selling their products and services on the platform. All you need do, is to create a Facebook group of about 5k and above, share valuable content to your audience to keep them engaged, and promote your product or service to them.

You need to factor in the engagement rate, you'd have to make sure, your audience are engaged. Share valuable content before promoting your product or service. This is how top marketers, make money from the platform.

6. Become A Facebook Manager

Companies are constantly looking for tech savvy people to manage their Facebook account. You can approach a brand, and apply for the position, if there is a job advert from them. A Facebook manager, does more than just updating the companies Facebook account. You have to frequently schedule post, create images and keeps users engaged by responding to comments.

You can decide, to manage the company's other social media networks, which means more money for you as a social media manager. There's also the choice, of managing more than one company's Facebook account. You just need to do a good job, and you'd get paid big every month.

7. Join Local Buy And Sell Groups

There are numerous buy and sell groups on Facebook, you just need to find the one, in your niche. Join as many of these groups as you can. You'd be required to answer some questions and accept the groups policy, before you are accepted. Once accepted, you can start promoting your own products in the group.

Facebook has a feature, where you have the option, of posting one ads or content in multiple related groups. This way, you can worry less about creating the same post on many local buy and sell groups. These groups act as market place for both buyers and sellers.

8. Join Giveaway Groups

Companies are always looking for ways to reward their customers, it part of their marketing strategy. Hosting giveaways, is one way they carry out their goals. You can join giveaways groups on Facebook and win some free stuff from brands. You can join as many as possible, follow the giveaway instruction to win something for yourself on Facebook.

Most giveaways requires you perform some actions, read the requirements carefully and follow the required steps. If consistent, you are sure of winning something valuable every week. Most items can be sold and converted back to cash.

Final Thoughts

Literally, anyone can make money on the platform. Paying for ads is one sure way you can make more money on Facebook. But, ads are expensive! Yes, they are, but have the most effective result. If you have a product or service, paying for Facebook ads, will guarantee you more money on the long run. Your ads are likely to be seen by a larger number of users on the platform, which means more patronage, and more returns on investment.

Making money on Facebook, is something you can do. All you need do is, make more research on any idea that you like, and take action immediately. No amount of information will make you rich, you need to take action towards what you know, to achieve your aim of making money.

Go through the list again, and decide on which you want to start. With the right information and consistent work you put in, you'd be sure of being successful.


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