5 Unique Tips For Creating A Website For Your Business


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5 Unique Tips For Creating A Website For Your Business
Posted on: October 20, 2020, 03:08:18 PM
Having a business without a website isn't a good idea, factoring in the fact that your potential customers are online. With business transactions now being done online, it's time you take your business online, and one way that can be done is through having a website for your business.

In this post, we will be sharing with you 5 unique tips for creating a website for your business, thereby increasing brand awareness and in turn, increasing sales.

Before we go into the tips, let look at some reasons why you need a website for your business. The reasons can also be seen as the advantages you'd get from having a corporate website for your business.

Why You Need A Website For Your Business:

• Increase Your Business Credibility: Having a website for your business is the right way to increase its credibility. People will trust a business with a robust presence both offline and online.

• Improve Your Online Presence: You can tremendously increase sales by just having an online presence where your potential customer can easily find you. One great marketing strategy you can bank on for increasing sales is having a website that enhances your online presence.

• Showcase Your Products/Services: This is perhaps one of the most widely known uses of a website. With a Website, you can showcase and promote your products/services online without paying for an advert.

While there are other several benefits of having a website for your business, the above three are basic reasons and benefit to creating a corporate website for your blog.

With the above points taken down, let move to the tips you need for creating a website for your business. Without any further ado, let dive into the details.

1. Identify Your Website Purpose

For maximum utilization of your resources used in creating a website, you need to identify the purpose to which you need a website for your business. A corporate business website is meant to be used as a communication tool, by the business, to Its customers. It can also serve as a medium, through which the business sells its products or services.

You need to identify what purpose a website will serve to your business, both in the short and long run. Strategically analyze the pathway you want to follow not just in a short time frame but on a long time frame as well. The following question will be of great help in identifying the purpose of creating a website for your business.

• What types of business am I into. Sales of a product or rendering of services?

• What is the best form of content for my type of business that will attract potential customers to my website?

• What type of website do my competitors have and is it working for them?

Answering the above questions tactically will go a long in keeping you focused on the long run. With your purpose clearly stated, it time to move to the next tip.

2. Your Website Domain Name Must Be Perfect

Wonder why I used the word perfect? Yes, I know it unattainable but you can strive for it. Your Domain Name is your website name that will be displayed online, literally, It is your business Id (Identification). You need to make sure it is perfect as it can a factor in your business website success. Take the following factors into consideration before crafting the perfect domain name for your business website.

• Your website domain name must be simple and easy to remember. You don't want to come up with a sophisticated name that customers will find hard to remember, you'd lose a lot of potential customers.

• Pick a domain name that resonates with what you do. Your domain name should speak about your business, choosing a domain that doesn't speak of what you do might work but isn't a good branding strategy.

• Make it simple to spell. You'd save a customer the hassle of trying to spell a word they've never heard of. The goal is to increase brand awareness and sales, not flexing your grammar skills.

In addition to the above-mentioned points, if you want to target the local market, you can consider some local domain extensions such as .com.ng or .ng.

3. Get Creative With Your Web Pages

Your website pages should contain tangible information about your business. These pages should be strategically crafted to get the best result.  These web pages are meant to contain vital information about the business that will be needed by customers.

They include; About pages, Contact pages, Home pages, What we do pages, Disclaimer pages, and several more based on what your business Is Ill about.

These pages should contain about 500 words and above, the more information you give, the better your chances of attracting more potential clients. When a potential customer gets to your business website for the first time, they are certainly going to be to know about you and your business. Having well-crafted web pages that educate your customers about your brand and the product or service you offer is certainly a good branding strategy.

4. Think Social Media

Having a website for your business is great, but you can do more to enhance your online visibility. Having a social media outlet that's connected to your website is one sure way to increase your online awareness. Social media has a huge number of users, with almost half the population of the world on social media networks, it a great place to attract more potential customers.

You can connect your brand's social media outlets to your website, this way it easy for customers to navigate their way from social media to your website and vice versa. With your brand website on some social media, you can be assured of a massive amount of potential customers who will like your product or service. It also increases your brand credibility as customers will trust you more.

5. Consistently Create Great Content

The popular saying of content being a king hasn't changed a bit. "Content is still king". You need to find a way to make sure your website doesn't go out of content. Content does a lot for a website. Your customers are always sure your website will have the latest information about a product or service. This helps keep your customer always coming back and possibly getting new customers who are referrals from old customers.

You must ensure that your content

• Has a superb headline that will attract new customers.

• Must have a unique introduction and body content. It must quality rich and informative.

• Must have a call to action. The end goal is increasing sales. Make your customer buy.


The above tips should be followed critically when creating a website for your business. The goal is increasing brand awareness which in turn increases sales. The website is one great way you can achieve that goal.

Invest in creating one today for your business, it not only increases your online presence but also gives you an edge over your competitors. It positions you as an authority in your niche and that's what every successful business did. Become an authority in your niche.


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