How to succeed in Life as a Nigerian


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How to succeed in Life as a Nigerian
Posted on: March 03, 2021, 10:17:01 PM
What every man wishes is to succeed in life but the road to success is always narrow mostly in a country like Nigeria. However, what your neighbours or brothers did to succeed might be different from yours but there are general rules guiding wealth and riches.

The main reason I have decided to write on how one can succeed in life is to help you understand how things work and the right path to success. Everyone desires to succeed in life but the question is, are you following the rules or the right path that leads to success. The worst mistake you can make is to think that manner falls from heaven these days. To succeed in life you must get one or two things right.
Remember a saying that says "if you don't plan to win, then you are planning to lose" you must choose from the two options and I suggest you plan to win but the question is how?

Don't worry I am going to show you how you can plan to win but firstly there are some principles you must adhere to in other to succeed in life.

  • Believe in yourself
  • Think positively
  • Avoid certain things that will distract you
  • Be consistent and hardworking
  • Don't allow tomorrow to decide for you rather decide what tomorrow should be.

Now, I am going to explain each of the principles above to enable you to understand where I am going. In Nigeria, we all believe that it's only God that blesses a man and I agree with that but the truth is, there are things you must do to succeed on your own. You must do your part and allow God to bless your hustle. Don't forget the word, "there is no food for a lazy man" so permit me to explain the principles listed above.

Believe in yourself

There is no limit to what you can achieve if you believe in yourself but when you believe that you can't do something then it means you can't do it but there are those who are willing to try without considering the possibility of failure.

Not being able to do things is not always about physical strength but your mindset. Don't depend on your brothers, sisters or anyone because they might not be able to help you and when you depend on them then you will be blind to see the good side of yourself and what you can achieve on your own.

You might be asking me how you can raise the money for your business without someone's help, well I am not saying you shouldn't ask for help but what if that help fails to come?

Start from the little you can and grow it to something big. In every rich family, someone paid the price for others to succeed. If you are from a rich family then you are enjoying form someone's struggle and hard-working but if you are not then your siblings are looking up to you to succeed so they can benefit from your success.

  • Tell yourself that you can do it
  • Tell yourself that I will and must succeed
  • Believe that tomorrow will be better than today
  • Work harder and fight to succeed as a champion.

Think positively

Believing in yourself is the first step but you must as well think positively for you to succeed in life. You will agree with me that what you think inside your heart determines what you do. So when you think positively the outcome will be positive but when you think negatively then the outcome will surely be negative.

You might be strong and always believe that you can make it but your thinking is the real reason why you have not left your current position for a better one. Let me give you some examples:

Back in 2018, I knew a man who spent all his money womanizing and playing gambling to an extent that nothing was left in his shop but somehow he managed to win half a million-plus (500k+) from bet9ja, guess how he managed the little money he got?

Instead of using the money to boost his business, he shared all the money with his family and friends with the belief that more is coming and as am talking to you his business is gone and none of those friends was able to help him that is why common sense is not common.

How you think and the way you do things contribute a lot to your success. Some people are suffering today not because they deserve to suffer or because they are not hardworking but because they took the wrong decision.

Avoid certain things that will distract you

What are the things that push you out of your track? Well, I will help you with the answer. There are things you are doing that must be stopped before you can succeed in life, let’s use what is happening among Nigerian youths as an example.

Do you play gambling such as sports betting or lotto? If yes, then you might be causing yourself a lot of harm than good because there is no other distraction worst than gambling. However, I use to play gambling myself and I know exactly how it works but if you want to succeed in life avoid it by all means.

Yes, I used to see and hear the success stories about those who won 10 million and more playing sports betting and lotto games but my brother how many people out of 1000 people have been able to succeed through lotto or sports betting

One thing about gambling is that the more you lose the more you play with the hope of recovering all you lost, my brother instead of recovering you will be going deep and deep till you become frustrated and still you will not be able to stop.

8 Years ago people called me king of lotto because I played it day and night, though I win sometimes and lose sometimes, one big problem then was that I used to stay inside the lotto house till daybreak forgetting my blogging career because all I know is to play and wait for results to come in less than 2 hours.
It's your choice to play gamble and still your choice to avoid it but if you want to stay focused and avoid distractions then avoid gambling and use the little money you have for something reliable.

Be consistent and hardworking

For you to succeed in life, consistency and hard-working matters a lot, some people couldn't make it today because they failed to hold on a bit. Being hardworking is not enough, you must stay focused and consistent to see the results.

Let take for instance, when you open a business in a new location where no one knows you, the only way to succeed is to work hard and consistently until you gather some customers and once you are good at what you do, customers will keep adding up.

When I say consistency, try to be available and ready for your customers even when others are busy doing other things. Give them the impression that you are always available to serve them at all time.

However, when we talk about hardworking, you need to be strong and optimistic. Continue doing what you know how to do best and your hustle will pay in no time. Remember it doesn't matter when you start your business or whatever you are doing, what matters is how you run your business and that's what determines the outcome.

Don't allow tomorrow to decide for you rather decide what tomorrow should be

Well, as they say, everything is in God's hands but I disagree, some things are in your hands, the same God has given you the power and privilege to decide for yourself. If everything is actually in God's hand why then are we talking about hell for the sinners and heaven for believers.

It doesn't cost God anything to say oh! They are all my children and must all go to my kingdom because they are mine irrespective of the things they do on earth but no. God allows us to decide between hell and heaven as per Christian believe.

So why do you think that God will find work for you, do the work for you, get your salary for you and even cook for you? No, things don't work that way. What am I even trying to say? You have what it takes to decide what your tomorrow will be. Don't sleep and allow tomorrow to think for its self instead think and decide what your tomorrow should be.


To succeed in life as a Nigerian you must follow the principles of success. I came across some boys last time, they don't go to school, they are not into any business or ready to learn any handwork but yet they are expecting millions to land very soon. Very funny, believe in yourself, work harder and avoid any form of distraction and you will see yourself flying high in no time.


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Re: How to succeed in Life as a Nigerian
#1 Posted on: May 06, 2021, 05:02:41 PM
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