How To Become A Model In Nigeria 2023


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How To Become A Model In Nigeria 2023
Posted on: May 01, 2021, 01:41:46 AM
 Modelling has been stretched to various individual-opined meanings, with some being right and many not so. As such, the designation, steps and criteria towards becoming a model in Nigeria is the purpose of this article. To get a footing in the modelling industry, there's need to know the basic constituent of it in the country you which to practice in. A prospective model also need to be in knowledge of the types of modelling that abounds and the popular ones practiced in the country.

Modelling isn't only about presenting an intent in becoming a model. Or by just getting the height and physique. There are various homeworks you would need to do in order to be successful in it. This article would take you into what modelling really entails, as well as what these individuals earn from the stress. It is important to state here that these models either perform their roles casually or professionally, although the later is what this article centers upon.

Who A Model Is

A model is simply one who pose in a photograph, commercial recordings, or printed works for the sole purpose of advertising commercial products or services.

Modelling wasn't considered in the past as a career due to the poor pay these individuals received until late 1940s, when the world's first three supermodels, Barbara Goalen, Bettina Graziani and Lisa Fonssagrives began taking home some very large sums of money. Now, models receive pay much more than what was received in those times, with the advent of more modelling agencies and accessorial companies making the industry more lucrative and organized.

Models are now required by small business outfits to large companies to hasten sales, putting the brand to awareness. The modelling profession not only serves the models with money, it also opens them to several other opportunities in other industries and they also attract influence to themselves.

It is of note that personalities in other industries do delve into modelling during their paid advertisement of commercial products. These models use their influence garnered in their respective profession to promote products.

The Different Types Of Modelling

Models are of different kinds, and they are:

Commercial Model

These are models who promote sales of products and services. Most models fall under this category, and the individuals selected are usually specific of each campaign or advertisement.

Billboard advertisements, TV adverts, and product packaging all employ the services of commercial models. The models selected are ones who could meet their demands and the perception of the target audience. 

Runway Model

These are models who showcase new cloth designs during fashion shows. These models are usually tall and slim, with the females catwalking in their showcase. They are expected to be built in a way which the onlookers would immersely appreciate the dressing they put on. Women are usually required to be slim, while the men are always looked forward to be averagely built.

Height is a key criteria of runway or catwalk models. You need to attain a certain height before you bud an idea of featuring in a show as a runway model.

Fashion Model

You look at fashion models whenever you read through fashion magazines. Other magazine do also feature models on their covers, and this do well to brand a fashion style.

A fashion designer who needs his design to go popular would require the services of the fashion models. He/she would need the model to not only be fit for the design created, but should also be able to create an image, according to the need of the designer.

These models would necessarily need to practice in different environment, as they would be required to pose in places they might not be convenient with. Additionally, these models are required to practice how to move their bodies in different ways, and poses of diverse kinds.

Fitness Model

This classification of models deals with persons who look athletic and portray well living and hygienic eating. Models under this niche are employed by companies who produce consumables, and the ones that sell sport wears.

The muscle tone and overall physique is what is primarily required of fitness models. Other requirements may include heights and skin complexion, depending on the requirements of the advertisers.

Other Kinds Of Model

The Swimsuit and lingerie models promotes lingeries and underwears for companies producing them. These models need to be physically fit with the required figures for a good advert.

The parts models promotes products like jewelries, artificial nails, shoes and the sort. The requirements for them are as requested by the advertisers.

Other Kinds of models includes the print models, and promotional models. The former have the models showcased on printed works, while the later deals with models who help clients in advertising goods and services at events.

Steps Towards Becoming A Model In Nigeria

Modelling isn't an easy profession, and coupled with the economic situation in the country, anyone hopeful of becoming a successful model needs hardwork and dedication. The guide below outline how one could become a model in Nigeria:

You need to get measured

The first thing to do as a prospective model is to get yourself measured. The size of your waist, chest should be known by you. Any modelling hopeful shouldn't fail to have handy his/her height, hair and eyes colours, including shoe and dress sizes.

These measurements would always be required of by agencies and clients hopeful of engaging you. As such make them readily available.

Create For Yourself A Portfolio And Profile

As a prospective model, you should create for yourself profiles on social media. This would get you the needed awareness, opening you to various opportunities.

Engage the service of a good photographer to take you regular photographs. Get them into public awareness, and request for feedbacks. Note that your photos need to be of high quality always.

 Collaborations with other models and ancillary platforms would go a long way in your branding.

Engage Model Angencies And Stay Ready For Disappointments

The summit of most models is getting signed to a model agency and getting to reach that stage as a model isn't easy. For a start, you would have to know some model agencies available, learn about their terms, and obtain their forms when they are out. You would need to choose an agency which aligns with the kind of modelling which you're into, because the requirements presented when offering the application forms out would likely state that.

The interviews are mostly made for individual face to face meeting. You would need to impress them inorder to get inducted. However, if one modelling agency turns you down, you shouldn't end the dream there, give another a trial.

Once signed to an agency, you will be invited to castings. The audition allows brands to choose models suitable for their advertisement.

How Much Models Earn In Nigeria

Models earn depending on the profit of the company under which they are employed, as well as the personality of the involved model and the modelling agency. The nature of the campaign currently undertaken by the advertiser also defines the pay made to the model. The following are the estimates of what some kinds of models earn in the country.

  • Commercial Model — N100,000 to N10 million
  • Runway Model — N25,000 to N90,000
  • Fashion model — N20,000 to N200,000
  • Fitness model — N10,000 to N85,000
It is interesting to note that models are occasionally employed on contract rather than on a permanent basis.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2023, 06:24:59 PM by Everest »

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