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Topic Summary

Posted by: E-Collins
« on: June 08, 2022, 03:09:21 AM »

Smart devices will be implanted into people's bodies in the next eight years, according to Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark. This is because technology is progressing into a sixth-generation (6G) network.

According to Lundmark, by 2030, the 6G network would replace the 5G wireless connection that is presently being accepted throughout the world and is scheduled to be introduced in Nigeria in the second half of 2022.

His prediction was that smartphones will be obsolete when 6G is completed. According to several media sources, Nokia's CEO made this announcement during the World Economic Forum.

In the midst of Elon Musk's quest to implant chips into the human brain in order to create a computer-like visual interface, he made this comment The chip is now being developed and perfected using a macaque.

Using the joystick it had been taught to operate, the animal implanted with the chip played "Mind Pong" in a video the billionaire uploaded on his social media accounts.

With the arrival of 6G, it is expected that smartphones will no longer be used as the primary method of communication for most people. He predicted that wearable technology, such as smart glasses, will be in high demand.

Smartphones, as we know them now, will be a rare sight in people's pockets at that point in time. This technology will be integrated directly into our bodies, for the most part. In his description of the technological future, Lundmark was cited by Money Central.

More posts to read:

* MTN is on track to launch 5G ahead of schedule

* NCC issues final 5G spectrum license letters to MTN and Mafab

* A 5G spectrum license cost MTN and Mafab $273.6 million each