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Topic Summary

Posted by: E-Collins
« on: June 09, 2022, 08:10:56 AM »

An individual's Nigerian National Identification Number (NIN) is issued by the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) as a unique number (NIMC). Every Nigerian is supposed to be enrolled and given a NIN as a means of universal identification. These days, this number is connected to everything a person does, including their banking transactions.

You may get your National Identification Number (NIN) by using the USSD code on significant network operators or by using alternative internet sites, such as this one.

Telecommunication companies were given a request by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to disable all unregistered SIM cards, which the leading operators finally did. To keep your phone line active, you must ensure that you have followed the proper steps for linking your phone number to your National ID Number (NIN).

Centers for NIMC Enrollment

There are approved centers around the country and the world where you may register and enroll for NIN conveniently. Enter your state or Diaspora area and click on Enrollment Centers to see a complete list of locations.

Requirements for NIN Application

To enroll as an adult, go to your local NIMC Enrollment Center with your BVN and one of the following original and valid supporting documents:

  • Certificate of Origin
  • Attestation letter from a prominent ruler in your community
  • Birth certificate
  • Declaration of age
  • Old National ID Card
  • Driver's License
  • Voter's card (Temporary or Permanent)
  • Nigerian International passport
  • Registered/recognized private organization staff ID card
  • School ID Card (private/public)
  • Tax Clearance certificate
  • Attestation letter from religious/traditional leader
  • NHIS ID card
  • Government staff ID card
  • Valid immigration documents

Registration of Personal Identification Numbers

For individuals who haven't signed up for the NIMC's National Identification Number (NIN), it's essential to link your line. To become a member;

  • pre-enrollment paperwork and rules may be found online at the pre-enrollment portal
  • This link will take you to a PDF registration form for the National Institute of Medical and Clinical Research (NIMC).
  • NIMC's enrolling centres are located around the country.
  • Licensed agents can help you register (ask around your neighborhood)

The NIMC card and NIN can only be granted to one person at a time. However, the National e-ID Card, which is a physical token, is not the same as the 11-digit National Identification Number (NIN). The National Identification Number (NIN) may be used for digital identification verification without the e-ID card.

How to Retrieve NIN Number Using USSD

  • Use the following procedures to find your NIN number, use any phone and any network to dial *346#.
  • To choose the NIN Retrieval Option, type '1'. (if the phone number you are dialing from was used during your NIN registration).
  • To choose NIN Search, type '2'. If you've lost your phone number, you'll need to provide some of your registration information in order to reactivate your account.
  • Congratulations, your NIN number will be sent to your phone in a few seconds
  • Next, you'll need to connect your NIN to your phone line, which varies according to the service provider.

Link NIN to MTN

Mtn users can link their NIN to their line following these options below. However, NIN linking is for those who have already registered for the NIN in the past and still remember their NIN.

* Online registration portal via
* USSD code: Dial *785# or
* Via myMTNApp, get it on Google Play or Apple Store
* Complete the NIN linking form by entering your name, phone number, NIN, and email address.
* Submit the form as soon as you're done.
* Wait for feedback from the network.

Link NIN to Glo

To link NIN to your Glo line, you can either;

* Visit the online registration portal via to fill in your information and link. Or
* Dial *109*yourNIN# (e.g *109*90123456789#) and follow the prompts to submit your details Or
* By SMS – Simply text your 11-digits NIN number to 109 (e.g 90123456789 to 109) and wait for a reply.


There are two options available for Airtel users to link their NIN and they are as follows.

=> Option 1: Visit the online registration link via
=> Option 2: Dial *121*1# on your Airtel line to submit your NIN

* Type 1 for "NIN Capture" and send.
* Enter your 11-digit NIN and send.
* Wait for the message confirming your submission.
* Wait a few minutes and try again if you get an error.


Linking your NIN to the 9mobile network involves 2 options which are as follows.

=> Option 2: Visit to submit online
* Click on 'Verify and Link your NIN now'
* Fill in the required information and submit

=> Option 1: Dial *200*8# and follow the prompts to submit your details.

With or Without a Phone Number, You Can Find Your NIN, To get your NIN back if you've misplaced both your phone number and the temporary NIMC slip (which you used to enroll in the NIN program), follow these steps.

Retrieve your BVN by calling the universal retrieval code (*346#) with your current phone number. The NIMC Mobile app is available for download via the NIMC website or through the Google Play Store. To print your NIN slip with the QR code, go to and see it on your mobile device.

If none of the following options work for you, then contact a NIMC officer at a location near you. Additional Information NIN Code: The universal NIN retrieval code is *346#, which may be found on all USSD-enabled phones. Alternatively, you can take your NIN to the local office of your service provider to have it submitted or linked if you are unable to do so via the procedures provided on this page. Make use of your NIN and SIM card bundle. Alternatively, you can contact your service provider's customer support team.