Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong (Women)


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Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong (Women)
Posted on: March 13, 2015, 06:21:46 AM
Are you into any type of Relationship with a man if the answer is yes then you are highly welcomed to the discussion, because after reading and understand this article you will learn how to maintain a wonderful relationship, with my Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong you will see and understand all the tips on how to make your relationship stand out.

As we already know the best way to be happy is to make others happy and making someone happy is not all about when you ask him to smile for you but rather you need to make him happy through your behavior and other things attached to it, that is why i decided to list Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong for you to understand how men feel and what they hate and wouldn't like you to do or what makes them happy most.

Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong:
Let not wasting anymore time, below is the list of my Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong

1. LOVE:
The first thing that will help a relationship standout is a genuine love, you truly need to love your man with all your heart not actually the kind of love women usually have these days which might be about money, handsome and how intelligent but true love is always something else and if you need true love you must be willing to love as well.

2. Don't play Open your hand let me open my leg:
It might sound funny if you know what i mean but the truth is that  some women will always laugh and respond only when they see money but without money, you will see a big misunderstanding which is bad.

As a woman you can actually let your man know that you need something without asking him directly and he will be the one to tell you that he can do it or give you a wonderful suggestion.

Though you can ask your man for something but don't be too demanding so that you don't give him the impression that you only care for the money and other benefits not for him.

3. Don't become enemy to his friends:
Some women when a man decided to date them the first achievement is causing problem between the guy and his old friends including his parents and family members which their reasons is best known to them because i have seen it happen in so many relationships.

This kind of life style will make the man to hate you and even delete all the memories of anything you people had in the past when you left because real men don't tolerate such thing.

4. Don't nag with him:
Don't be a nagging woman it destroys homes and many relationships instead use the power of a woman to get what you want, you must not use force on your man just target when his in good mood and at the same time having fun with you, then use deceiving tone to ask and its shall be given or requested will be granted.

5. Look Good and Moderate:
You need to look good and moderate and when i say moderate don't dress like a prostitute because you will be addressed the way you dress but the secrets is to find out how your Baby Boy wants you to look then always package yourself the way he likes it and he will continue falling in lover over and over again.

6. Don't forget to care about his future (Be Caring):
You need to care about your man's happiness, his future and always find out when things are not going well for him to give him encouragements and let him know that you are wit him no matter what.

7. Don't share you data to any other man:
You must understand that even if a man is a womanizer, he will still not allow any other man to touch his wife or girlfriend so you must not share you data to any other man if you know what i mean, no man likes having a Kezzaya as a girlfriend.

8. Tell him how much you love him:
Some women will never tell their man that they love him no matter what, which is not good let your man know that you feel the same way with him if at all that he loves you.
If you let him know how much you love him, he might as well you tell you something that you don't know in return.

9. Don't keep many friends:
Men don't like a woman who has many girlfriend and the reason is that some women has been corrupted and destroyed by their own friends through bad advice so you need to be careful and be able to differentiate between good and bad advice.

10. Pet him:
Many women don't believe that they should pet men but you are wrong everybody needs happiness and needs someone who can always encourage and give them hope when he thought that all hope is lost.

If you know all those things you will love you man to be doing for you then you need to return the favor and do it for him also, watch his face more often and try your best to make him happy always.

Finally if you are currently in a relationship that you are hoping to lead to marriage kindly try my Top 10 tips that will keep your relationship strong and you will see that your relationship will work out and definitely lead to marriage.

If you are married and having one problem or the other, try my relationship tips you will be surprise to see that your marriage will change from worst to best in no time.


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