Make your website mobile friendly or lose traffic soon


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Make your website mobile friendly or lose traffic soon
Posted on: April 08, 2015, 10:37:30 AM
It's time to make your web pages mobile friendly for your mobile visitors because if you don't Google is preparing for another updated starting from 21st of April 2015 that will increase traffic for mobile friendly websites and decrease traffic for mobile unfriendly websites, that is why you must act now or blame your self at the end.

Apart from the new update from Google, making your website mobile friendly should be the first priority considering the fact that almost 75% of website visitors uses mobile phone to browse the net and making it easy and enjoyable to browse your webpages is never a bad idea.

It's strange to me that sometimes i still say some big website that don't care about their mobile visitors which is too bad.

Google made things easy for you to test and see if your website is mobile friendly or not following this link:

Make your site look great on mobile devices

Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you can find an array of information to make a great site for your mobile visitors.
more help can be found


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