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Topic Summary

Posted by: RexLove
« on: June 12, 2020, 08:40:54 AM »

It would be nice to see the revised version of this post.
Posted by: omakay
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:23:56 PM »

Una no dey tire to drop all this devilish scam formats...... abiiiii

People are trying to make positive with the little they have and you are here trying to rip them off!!!!!

God will surely judge you!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: bright52
« on: April 14, 2015, 02:08:14 AM »

Earn Instant $17 In your Perfect Money Through Currency Exchange
Exchange earning

Break into your Financial Freedom do not pay any one to teach about
online business
Many have paid heavily to so many brokers and Forex marketers just to
get this and i am
unveiling it here for free do not pay any one to get this, start making
you own earnings
online its free just follow the procedure below.

(1). Fund your Perfect Money account with a Minimum of $50, because of
transaction charges and you interest rate.

*To open a Perfect Money Account its free go to
(h t tp : / / w w w . p e  rf ect m o ney . i s)
*To open a Perfect Money Account its free go to
(h t t p: // w w w . w m t ra n s f e r.c o m / )

Note: To fund or Withdraw from your Perfect Money Account, go to
(h ttps : / / n a i r a 4d o l lar . co m /)
Note: PM Means Perfect Money.
         WM means Webmoney

How to Earn from Currency exchange

(2). To earn from currency exchange Go to (h tt p: / / t h e i e x c h a n g e . b i z)
exchange $50 from your Perfect Money account to your Web Money
$1 PM------>$1. 35 WM, so $50PM----> $67.5 WM.
and when you re-exchange $67.5 WM------>$67.5 PM you have made a profit
of $17 to
your $50PM.

(3). Repeat the exchange process from PM---->WM, and WM--->PM .

You can always increase your capital, because the more money you
exchange the
faster you make your cash. I make up to $217 in my Perfect Money
account per
day with my $50 Capital.
please send your proofs when you've made yours
Please follow the procedures carefully to avoid any problems or issues