TV3 Ghana Television channel is one of the best tv station that we use to watch live football matches for free especially UEFA Champions league and it was possible through the help of
BISS CODES that enables you to unscramble some scrambled tv channels on Strong Satellite Decoders such as
SRT4669XII, SRT4669X, SRT4950H, SRT4920 but the biggest problem started when
MYTV AFRICA Decided to automatically Update (OTA) every strong satellite tv decoders to disable the inserting of BISS codes in strong Decoders.
The good news is that they can't stop us because we use our own money to buy their satellite machines and for that reason we decided how we make use of it in our own way.
Software to watch TV3 Ghana again on Multitv:Since
Mytv africa don't want us to use BISS key on strong decoders i found another way to say no to them and that is why i decided to help you use the biss codes on your mytv strong decodes such as
SRT4669XII, SRT4669X, SRT4950H, SRT4920NOTE: Before we proceed i will like to remind you that updating your Strong Satellite TV decoders is very risky and can destroy your strong satellite TV receiver but don't panic, i will guide you through.
Updating your Strong TV Receiver in a safer way:To make sure you don't kill you strong satellite tv receiver (MYTV) you must make sure:
1. You must verify that your Strong Mytv Receiver is original by going to
strong main website
Enter your Receiver's Serial Number and Code Number to verifiy it is a Genuine STRONG productNOTE: At this stage, only models SRT 4669X, SRT 4669XII, SRT 4669Z, SRT 4902, SRT 4922, SRT 4930, SRT 4675, SRT 4940,SRT 4920, SRT 4920A, SRT 4922A, SRT 4663XV, SRT 4620XIII, SRT 4622XIII, SRT 4620XV, SRT 4300, SRT 4310, SRT 4329, SRT 4330, SRT 4910, SRT 4675A, SRT 4930L and SRT 4622XV may be submitted for authenticity verification.
The service will be extended to additional STRONG models over the coming months
2. You must make sure that your power source is trust, you can use your generator instead of NEPA because they are not trusted and the reason is that if in any way the receiver shutdown during update, it may not work again.
3. Make sure you use clean flash memory card or make sure you format and scan it before using it.
Once you have all of the above in place then its time to
DOWNLOAD PATCHED SOFTWARE TO DECRYPT TV3 ON STRONG 469Xii, 4669x, 4920, 4922, 4922A and 4950H DECODERSDOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE THAT MATCHES YOUR STRONG RECEIVER.SRT4669XII_7111_Intg_MyTV_317p_20140619.zipSRT4669X_7111_Intg_MyTV_317p_20140619.zipSRT4920_4922_4922A_MyTV_HS_159p_140619.zipSRT4950H_V2.83P_MultiTV_20140619.zipHow to Update your Mytv strong satellite TV receiver:After downloading the software use computer PC to unzip it and move the main software to the
USB flash driver that you will be using to update your strong satellite TV receiver (MYTV).
Plug in your USB Flash driver (MEMORY CARD) to your strong satellite TV Receiver.
Press Menu button using your remote control and then navigate to down to USB and then to the DATA TRANSFER.
Locate the Strong TV reciever software and press OK. (
Allow it to finish and restart and you are done.
Note: In case if any of those software above is not working on your strong decoder,(this is very unlikely) you can manually enter the biss keys that will open tv3 on your strong decoders as follows:
1. For strong 4922a and older; Dial 8282 on the decoder and then enter the following biss keys: 9E 37 79 4E B9 7F 4A 82
2. Key for SRT4950, 4950M & 4950H.
Press F1 8280
Go to slot number 86 (or teh right slot showing TV3: 12525:27500:V)
then edit the key as per below:
No. 86
Prov ID”: 00 1F FF
Index: 1C
Key: 9E 37 79 4E B9 7F 4A 82.
SOFTWARE TO OPEN TV3 ON MULTITV DECODERI don’t personally have a multitv decoder. However, am very sure that usb upgrade isnow know to all of us. Please download the already extracted software, copy it yo your virus free USB flash drive, located where you can perform a usb upgrade on your mutitv decoder, and you are good to go.
Download for CA PLUS SERIES 2:
YH_CP07_V216_20140617_100…S.bin.img Download for MULTI TV HD:
YH_A3L_TFCA_V204_20140618….lzma.imgHOW TO ENTER THE BISS KEYS ON QSAT AND AZSKY G6Add the freq 12525 under the biss key menu Of your qsat.
Go to xcam setup. Open patch . u Will see biss key edit it or add frequency 12522.
Key: 9E 37 79 4E B9 7F 4A 82