10 things you don't know about Relationship and Love


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10 things you don't know about Relationship and Love
Posted on: May 09, 2015, 02:18:23 PM
Are you in a relationship or still thinking about entering into relationship and if the answer is yes then this will be your opportunity to know most of the things you don't know about relationships and love.

This article is not about telling you how to get a girl friend or boy friend but how to be a perfect man or woman to your partner and how to maintain a perfect relationship.

10 things you don't know about Relationship and Love:
Without wasting much of our time let us look at 10 things you don't know about relationship and love that will help you be and maintain a relationship that will standout even when others crumbled.

Mostly little thing can lead to intimacy and relationship but little thing can as well destroy that wonderful relationship that you have suffered to built together but after reading this my pieces of article you will be ready to overcome any obstacle that might be coming your way against your relationship.

#1. Why do you love Him or Her:
The first question you should ask yourself about your partner is "WHY DO I LOVE HIM OR HER?" this question is very important in a relationship but i always suggest that you love someone because you feel complete and happy with him or her and ready to grow old with him/her.

Don't love because of money or material things because the rich can become poor and Poor has great opportunity of becoming Rich also remember you might see money, houses and cars without seeing happiness. and if you doubt me ask some women or men who married rich partner they will tell you their experience with their rich partners moreover what you see today might be different from what you might see tomorrow, also you can't use today to judge tomorrow because life is full of changes.

#2. You are looking for a perfect Man or Woman:
I understand that you need someone that can always care for you, provide for you, protect you and always be there for you but don't forget that your partner also need you to do the same.

As you are looking for someone perfect have you ever tried to be perfect to someone, you need someone that is more caring but the questions also remains how have you been caring for someone else.

Relationship and Love is not all about receiving without giving, relationship is a 50-50 not 80-20 as some women always believes that it's a man's duty to take care of women but that is not true.

Remember the best way to be happy is to first make others happy in other to get happiness in return

#3. Be rational with your Partner:
Don't always think about yourself or always do things that will favor you but always consider your partner's opinion and suggestions, reason together and do things together that is why you are partners.

#4. You friend can destroy your relationship:
We are all Unique in nature, what you like might be what i hate and so as we all look different from inside our hearts and outside the heart.

What you like might not be what your friends likes and if you are not strong and careful they might deceive you to leave someone you love simply because they don't like him or her and in other words your friends can be jealous about your relationship and will do anything possible to distract and discourage you, so be careful about the kind of friends you keep.

#5. Look and Behave responsibly:
Have you asked yourself why it's always easy to find friend but hard to find marriage partner and the reason is that you can do anyhow you like with the hope of going your way if something goes wrong in friendship but when it comes to marriage you will need someone responsible and moderate in everything, just try to be that responsible Man or Woman and everything will workout well.

#6. Don't be too cheap:
You can love your partner with all your heart but don't make him/her feel that you can't live without him or her because you can actually live without him/her.

When you clearly see that you partner don't lover you but want just your body, money or something else then you need to leave that relationship because you can actually find someone who can love and appreciate you the way you are and will want to be with you forever.

When you give someone an impression that he means everything to you including your life then the person might no longer care if he hurts you or not because he believes you can't live without him.

#7. What is yours will always be yours:
The worst thing you can do is to fight or force anyone to be in a relationship with you or marry you because what is yours will in one way or the other be yours and love is not something you fight for, so don't push it.

#8. Let his/her problem be your problem:
You must understand that in a relationship, caring for one another is a must and seeing your partner's problem as you own problem will make your relationship standout as the intimacy and companionship will be growing.

#9. Plan life together as one:
If you are planning to be husband and wife then start to plan future together and never say you don't care about what your partners is doing for a living instead plan together and build a wonderful family together because today's effort determines tomorrow and if you want a perfect family better start working it out now together.

#10. It takes two to make it work:
Finally don't be a destroyer but be a builder because it takes two to build a wonderful relationship and its also takes two to make the relationship perfect, so work hard with your partner to build and make it perfect in the sense that others will like to emulate.

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This article can be found under Relationship/Dating category


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