Can long distance relationship work?


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Can long distance relationship work?
Posted on: August 23, 2015, 11:14:20 PM
Are you interested to know if long distance relationship can work or not? The answers is yes it works but you must understand what you need to do in other to make it work.

Love is not limited to those who are closer to you but also to those that are faraway from you what matters most is the amount of love you have for each other and that is the only way to withstand long distance relationship problems.

First i must tell you that long distance relationship is not easy and if care is not taken the relationship will not last or lead to anything serious and i will tell you the problems in a long distance relationship.

Problems in a long distance relationship:
Before i start telling you how to make your long distance relationship work permit me to first tell you the problems you might be facing in a long distance relationship.

1. People tend to fall in love with someone closer to them than people who they hardly see and if you doubt me ask yourself who was your first love, am sure he/she might be your school mate, your Neighbor or your church member etc.

2. You must know that your lover loved you because he/she found something special in you but remember your lover was able to find something special in you simply because you allowed him/her to see it and once you are no long around you are giving him/her the option to discover something special in someone else just as he discovered you's.

3. Relationship is all about companionship, protection, caring and Love but when you are not close to your lover you might not fully protect him/her or be available when your partner needs you most and that is not what many people need in a relationship.

4. In long distance relationship there are high risk of separation because when desirable is not available the available becomes desirable, when you are faraway from your lover you must understand that there are people closer to her/him.

How to make your long distance relationship work:
I have listed most of the problem you are likely to face in a long distance relationship and now we will be discussing about the possible solutions to the above mentioned problems facing long distance relationships.

For long distance relationship to work there must be a real love between you and your partner because a strong relationship is always hard to be broken and what makes a relationship strong is how you love each other.

If you are in a long distance relationship be sure to always call your partner as often as possible and always make out time to visit him/her to keep the relationship fresh, interesting and above all to protect your relationship against intruders.

Long distance relationship is not bad but you need to make it work by showing your partner love like no one has ever done, be there for her/him like no one has ever done, above all give your partner a reason to believe that you are the best among all.

I hope you like this pieces of write up as i will be providing you more love and relationship tips will always be available on our Relationship/Dating Category


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