Blogging is not all about money' money but work' work


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Blogging is not all about money' money but work' work
Posted on: March 07, 2016, 08:28:15 PM
I want to use this opportunity to tell many Nigerian bloggers and those who wants to start blogging that blogging is not always about the money but about the work involved.

Many of us create website just because of the money involved but forgetting that nothing good comes easy and whenever you think about money you are likely to make while blogging you should equally ask yourself how can i work harder for the money to come.

Many website/blogs have been closed today because we always misinterpret blogging but the truth about making money online as a blogger is that you work sleeplessly to make money and it takes more than you think to make money blogging but many of us think that making money is all about.

=> Create a website
=> spam on other peoples website
=> copy what others wrote
=> Becomes a millionaire

No it doesn't work that way, and if you think that making money online is as simple as that then you are making a big mistake and if you don't believe me you will see it when you might have wasted a lot of time and resource unless you followed the write direction.

Right approach to blogging and money making
Well you are not wrong if you think that you can make money blogging because you can but if only you are destined, talented and determined withing yourself to succeed because to make huge money in blogging as you wanted requires lots of time and hard work and in fact you need to be the best in what you do.

Before you can succeed in blogging you must first think about what to offer to the world and not what to get and that's a good start.

Blogging is about give and get and not get to give, you give people what they need while you get your own share for providing the help and answers they are seeking for but when you fail to do that it will be hard for you to succeed.

See how it works

=> Research and know what blogging is about
=> Create a good website/blog
=> Create a helpful articles that can either provide answers to your visitors question, teach them what they don't know and always keep them informed on what they needs to know.
=> keep working day and night without thinking about money at least for 4-6 months
=> find out the monetization method that will work for you  as soon as you are getting good traffic.

How the money will come
Yes let me show you how money comes in blogging and it's really simple to understand.

More visitors more money:
Making money blogging depends on the volume of the traffic your website receives on a daily basis, when you receive little traffic you get little money and big traffic means big money but the question remains how can i get that huge traffic.

How to get more traffic for your blog:
The highest hard work in blogging is getting that target audience that can consume what you have and at the same time give you what you need.

For the best of my Knowledge to get traffic you must have something good and consumable on your website/blog that is why you work harder to create helpful and unique articles.

You can get traffic from Social media like facebook, twitter, google+ etc but even at that when you don't have something good to offer then once they alive they will still click back button to go without even spending anytime.

Give your visitors reason to come back to your website/blog and there are no other better ways to do that apart from providing answers to their questions, teaching them what they don't know, always keep them informed and entertained.

If you are kind of confuse or have any question kindly share your own opinion using our reply option below.


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