Latest Untapped Lucrative Business Ideas For Women, Ladies In Nigeria


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Women are mostly considered as house wives( married or not). They are placed to properly get the house running - cook food, buy things lacking, etc.

Women were also made to mastermind all other house functions with income sourcing reserved for the men. The younger women - girls suffered a not-too-less ordeal as they were brought up to understand that they were inferior to their male siblings. Girls were deprived of further education (that's if they were given a basic education in the first place). She had to be tutored to embrace the kitchen of which she had no choice.

These narratives has quite lessen as civilization creeps into our society. Ladies including girls are now being considered as important as their male counterpart. More and more women are given formal education and their talents are cropped.

Like the males, the females are given some certain level of privilege nowadays to make their own income. Today most women with good management skills grow international companies. The've now shown that what a man can do, a woman can do as well.

Starting a business as a female is easy, however, starting a business considered that of the male could turn difficult. There's some kind of stigmatization when a female being tries to do what is mostly done by the males. It's not totally unnecessary for such to be, men aswell as women has different parts to play in life.

To this, the various best ways a lady can make money doing business in Nigeria would have the stigmatised ones ommited.

To be frank, to really succeed in a business scene which has the males in it would be difficult, especially if the've edged you in terms of duration in the business. You really need to be passionate firstly of what you want to do.

There are other things you have to gamble with as a woman passionate about starting a business. There's the house chores and house upkeep to start with.

One thing most men benefit is their total negligence of home chores. They relegate their partners as total house wives. These conditions might mar a woman's chances of setting-up a good paying business even with a will to start one.

For the good, economic factors might force women out of their kitchens. In todays Nigerian economy, there's need to balance incomes and expenditures and the woman might likely be called to the rescue. She has to contribute to family's growth in ways suitable.

Girls and young ladies aside married women have a very good chance of getting a lucrative business going. With the duty of the home keeper at bay, there would be efficiency instilled in the business. She would have more time to attend to the business and that might help raise the business high at a very short period of time.

For the woman to get a blossoming business started, she need to have:

» Discipline
» Passion for the business
» Needed skill for the business
» Efficiency
» Multi-tasking ability( for some)
» Funds [ Learn how to increase your income ].

There are other requisites for starting a business for ladies but those are the core ones needed.

Business ideas for girls & ladies (women) in Nigeria

The following listed ways to earn more income through business as a woman in Nigeria are just ideas requiring your touch to make it come to life. You might as well need to research more on the selected ideas to find out more about a particular chosen idea. Take time to research on ones that follows your passion.


There are young girls around with the gift of impacting knowledge into others, why not groom it and start a business out of it.

From pupils in the primary schools to those in the secondary schools or even those in higher colleges; there're in need of knowledge. Schools don't always at most time start instantanously, there're most atimes a modified tutoring classrooms. You can teach the pupils on subjects which are core like maths during holidays.

As a female, you can rally pupils in by winning the heart of the parents. The students in the secondary schools might be tricky to tutor especially if you are new to teaching or they haven't seen you teach or heard you've taught before. As a skillful teacher, you need to win the heart of the students by breaking down difficults subjects to the best of each and everyone of them.

You might try setting up additional classes for periodic examinations like JAMB,WAEC and NECO. Going into the tertiary institution, there's space for tutoring given you really know what you're tutoring.

Give out your best and demand reasonable fees. The more you are known and trusted, the more your coast expands!


If you have preparing food and delicacies as a hobby, you should think about making money with it.

As said, women are mostly known to be house wives and a good one should be a good cook. Turning into a good caterer is quite easier for women than men in that cooking is what they do most of the time.

As a woman, you might know how to cook but cooking as a proffession might need more from you. The much needed management skill must be in you as well as efficiency and the cooking skill. To really turn catering into a good income business, you really must be good at cooking delicacies and assorted dishes.

As always, your reputation determines the limit of your business.

Event Planning

This kind of business care for management skill as well. As good home managers, women are tipped to being good event planners.

Actually, event planning are usually of scales and the lesser ones are always handled by the owner of the event or their family members. The bigger ones that requires much co-ordination and activities are manned by event planners.

As a passionate woman, you can bring your planning skills to bare by taking an event by the helm. Apart from being a good business, it might turn out to be fun as well.


This is one lucrative business one can't doubt. Despite suffering it's fate in Nigeria, it still remains a good business to kick-start in the country.

If rearing of animals is what you're passionate about, then give it a try.  One hiderance to proper agricultural business is machanization and land availability. Without machines, you can still go on with your farming if there is land for such. Animal farming might be exciting; as an innovative woman, settle on which animal to rear and get your farm buzzing in the shortest period of time.

One important thing to note is that in agriculture, there are rules one need to follow. Try to follow them to avoid expensive losses especially when dealing with animal farming.

Affiliate marketing

 Women are good attention makers. With your social reach whether through the social media you can promote sales of products.

In affiliate marketing, you work in a third-party position - you promote sales. As absurd as it might seem, Affiliate marketing is one of the assured ways to make money online. With your influence as a woman, you can earn lots of money by just promoting a commodity.

There are affiliate programs like the popular Jumia affiliate. You need to register as a marketer and your unique link would be given you which you should share to the reach of friends.

On successful clicking and payment for a particular product, a percentage of of the sales would be rewarded you. You can learn more on affiliate marketing here.


Blogging has proven to be a consistent way to make money online. With a proper structured website, you can begin your blogging business with little funds.

Blogging isn't as interesting as you may want to hear; you need to be deligent, consistent, dedicated and dexterious to get anything from blogging. Many females have beaten odds to come out great in blogging and you too can.

If your site attracts a good amount of traffic due to the quality of content in it then you've got an income stream already. It's highly recommended for sit-at-home mums.

Hair styling business

 Women do value their looks more than men do. They prefer to style their hairs uniquely in order to look eye-catching.

Meanwhile their fellows at the salons haven't also stopped in making money from this addiction. This makes hair-styling a lucrative business to start in the country.

If you've got the skill to style hairs in ways needed, what's left is to get a shop rented for a business. Winning customers is only by quality in style and a little of price factor. The business can turn really lucrative if one is really delligent with it.


Both men and women are endowed with skills unique to each person. Each personally possesses certain traits to get a business running.

As a woman, you might certainly need to square out challenges that are inevitable. You might need self-motivation as you might not often be encouraged. One thing of joy is that at the tail end you might make yourself proud. Make yourself proud from the beginning aswell!

« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 03:57:20 PM by Everest »

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