Best courses to study in Nigeria 2021 — Marketable programmes for highly paid jobs


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Before settling to a particular career course, it is necessary you verify how lucrative those courses are.

The reason is simple.

In the Nigeria of today and in the face of current economic realities, despite the fact that all courses are essential for study, only some selected few would provide you with a comfortable job that would equal the stress undergone during it's study. Selecting a lucrative course of study is similar to getting yourself into a reputable tertiary institution. Employers would likely consider graduates from a worthy institution rather than from the others which produces ‘half-baked graduates.’

As important as it is to study in an institution of repute, your course of study similarly needs be one worthy of a later employment. The lucrative career courses which would be detailed below accords the graduates of such programmes with multiple opportunities after completion. And you stand a greater chance of being fully employed after your study of these courses.

Unfortunately, these courses are quite competitive in the various institutions which they are offered. Students who prefer them should hence study to stand worthy of getting admitted for these courses. If you are one who hasn't a fancy for competition, there are some other popular courses which are least competitive in most of the country's public universities.

Below are the best courses to study in Nigeria:

1. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

This is obviously one of the most competitive courses in any Nigerian university. A degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering opens up opportunities in the telecom sector, computer and phone industries, robotics, the manufacturing and processing companies and their likes.

What makes the programme so competitive is the countless job listings available for one with such degree, implying the significance of the programme to any economy, even a recessing one. The renumeration one gets as an Electrical/Electronics Engineering graduate is also reasonable, and it depends on your work type and description.

2. Medicine, Nursing, and Medical Laboratory Science Courses

One of the most coveted science programmes in any university is Medicine and Surgery. Reason being that certified doctors have a great probability of getting employed and are paid handsomely for their job.

However, due to it's competitiveness and value, getting an admission to study medicine in a reputable institution could be difficult even when your UTME scores are good.

Careers similar to medicine are nursing and medical laboratory programmes. Getting a Bsc degree in nursing in any of the country's public universities could be effortless demanded you satisfy all requirements. There's the list of nursing schools available in the country, aswell as their fees charged. Those should be placed handy for candidates considering the study of such programme.

Medical laboratory courses are those programmes of study which are health-related, with examples like Radiography, detistry and anatomy. These programmes are much easier to get an admission into than Medicine, and are usually less expensive (in terms of aggregate fees) than the regular medicine and nursing.

3. Civil Engineering

A bachelor degree in civil engineering opens up opportunities in site management, infrastructure designs, urban planning aswell as different other construction jobs.

The Nigerian economy being a nascent one is attractive to engineers good at construction and they receive comfortable pay for their efforts although most of the jobs available for them are in form of contracts.

Civil engineering is one of the most competitive courses in public universities.

4. Banking and Finance

A banking and finance degree opens up opportunities mainly in financial institutions.

Many tertiary education institutions in Nigeria offers the programme and they are sure competitive. Being a competitive course, applicants for the degree needs to satisfy the needed requirements in the best possible way and approach.

To stand a favourable chance of landing a dream job in financial institutions, one needs to hone his/her accounting and financing skills by obtaining anciliary certifications through attending seminars and similar exercises.

Getting a second degree on a similar programme or obtaining a higher certification also puts one in a comfortable position in his/her dream career. Furthermore, banking/finance staffs are known to be paid enviable sums monthly.

5. Computer science/ Engineering

Aside being a popular and lucrative course of study, computer science is said to be a difficult course to study. A degree or similar certification in computer science/engineering leads to opportunities in tech companies and related industries.

They work as computer engineers, web and application developers, and offer other computer related services. Computer engineers and scientists are one of the backbone of today's 21st century economy because most aspect of it are technology-driven.

6. Mass communication

Graduates of mass communication engages in the field of broadcasting, journalism, public relations, marketing and advertising.

Generally, they deal with information communication.

Mass communication is a competitive course in public universities due to it's remunerative nature.

7. Accounting

Accountants are professionals who ensures the income and expenditures of firms are well accounted for.

Accountants works under different names in almost all industries because funds are used in every institutions. Some acts as auditors and others as financial analysts and their remuneration depends on the institution and industry they work in.

8. Chemical/Petroluem Engineering

The petoleum industry is the mainstay of the Nigerian economy, and it is also a lucrative one.

An employment into the industry attracts huge financial rewards. Meanwhile the Petoleum engineering certification is one of the minimum requirement needed to work in the money-spinning sector of the Nigerian economy.

The petroleum engineering programme is a fairly competitive one in Nigeria's public universities.

9. Business Administration

Graduates of business administration engages in the judicious use of means to actualise a goal in institutions and industries. They carry out the oversight and managerial tasks in these institutions and are usually the figureheads of firms and companies.

Business administration is a lucrative career with reasonable salary range. A degree in Business administration is always acquired as an aditional certification or a second degree.

It is a fairly competitive course.

10. Law

Law is one of the professional offered in public learning institutions and a lucrative one aswell.

There are numerous institutions which law is offered and of which a degree in law is obtainable. A certified lawyer is however one who furthers and completes a subsequent study in law school.

Those were the 10 prominent career courses which are lucrative in the Nigeria of today, and they are always competitive in the institutions which they are offered. To be able to get admitted for them, you need to meet their individual requirements and UTME scores needed bearing in mind that separate Institutions has their peculiar requirements.


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