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Topic Summary

Posted by: E-Collins
« on: July 11, 2017, 12:54:50 PM »

I recently noticed that Prostitution has many ways and styles women are being Prostituted and I will be sharing 6 types of Prostitution you might not know, I normally don't write about this type of topic but I was pushed to write it to teach you the things you should know about girls/women and their lifestyles.

I will admit that no one is a saint but then I don't know why a unique and a woman who is the best in her own way should be using what should be highly valued and priceless as a shop where men can come for goods and services.

Women are unique and gorgeous in nature but some women today have made themselves a sex tools to men who will only laugh at them because what makes you so precious, valuable and priceless has been sold for nothing that cannot give you happiness or a good life.

That's, by the way, am not here to tell you to stop your business but I will love if you can reconsider and follow the right path as a woman, no matter the condition.

3 Types of Prostitution girls indulge themselves into
Now after the long journey, we are now home and its time for me to list 6 types of Prostitution girls indulge themselves into that you need to know and even some girls who thought that their prostitution life is not being noticed will be shocked at the end of this article.

1. Hotel Prostitution
Do you know there are many girls who chose to live in a hotel just to use their God given beautiful and priceless body to make money and when i said priceless no amount of money should be able to buy your body but I understand many believe that money rules but money shouldn't rule your body, it rules best houses, best cars, clothes etc but all these are made by man but your body is made by God himself and you are born with whatever you have in you body and that's the difference, you should be careful on how you make use of them.

2. Hotel and in House Prostitution
There are those who live in their various homes but goes to Hotels afternoon and night to do their job and guess what their job is to go to a hotel and wait for any man that needs help as the usually do because they equally need help too (Money).

3. Going somewhere but actually nowhere prostitution
This type of prostitution is the latest in town, a girl will dress up and look great with attractive and seductive clothes that show men half of the things they can see inside from the outside while walking along the road from here to nowhere but only to be looking for a fish to catch, all they need is a sign and you are already on the bed with legs open and your wallet open as well and within few minutes she will clean herself up and re-package again and still be on her way to somewhere after all more work more money and you will still not know or call them a prostitute that is why they now prefer this type of prostitution.

4. Standing on the Road Prostitution
This type of prostitution is similar to the number 3 (Going somewhere but actually nowhere prostitution) but the difference is that in Standing on the Road Prostitution they don't need to walk around to catch a fish they wait for the fish itself.

They are standing on the road and yet they are not stopping any empty commercial buses passing by because they are actually waiting for good looking private cars with "hello young girl where are you heading to, can I offer you a ride" guess the answer " No oh! Ok am actually heading ......" she is actually heading to his bed once there is something in his bedside drawer.

In this type, you will still not know that they are a prostitute and even when you try to play a good guy and I love you style they will pretend to be a virgin.

5. University and Admission Prostitution
Do you know that there are many girls who have once told you that they have gotten admission to one of the reputable universities not knowing she just got admission into the University of prostitution and before you know it they are going to school but not actually school, she just relocated to where she will not be recognised by friends and families and also where prostitution business is paying well.

Some will even live inside schools only to catch some fish because they are not admitted or registered as a student and yet their parents will be glad that their daughter is in the university.

6. School life prostitution
What about those girls who truly got admission to higher institutions with their parents struggling to see their daughter in school but when they finally went to school instead of studying what they came for they will start enjoying life getting connections all over the states in Nigerian and making money with their body and after graduating the only thing she learns after many years will be different sex styles and how to handle a man in bed because her results can't get her any job apart from her area of specialization which is sex and prostitution.

Finally not every girl or Women is a prostitute I believe there are some responsible women who don't sell their body for money but use their body the way God designed and instructed it to be used that is why I always use the word some because not every woman doesn't know their right from her left.

Let me see your own opinion if am wrong, or if you will like to contribute feel free to do so but you can only do that by joining this great forum, you don't need to be a guest in your father's house register and become part of Xtremeloaded family.