(Safe Driving) 5 Things you must avoid before or while driving


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(Safe Driving) 5 Things you must avoid before or while driving
Posted on: December 19, 2017, 12:14:22 PM
Learning how to drive is always the first thing, but understanding what you need to do to stay safe while driving is the second part that you should not ignore

Your life is important not just for you, but to so many others and that is the major reasons why you should always apply caution when driving to stay safe for your loved ones.

It doesn't matter if you are old or young, but always remember that nothing else matters when it comes to your life, though road accident does occur for sure, but many of them don't just occur, but we contribute to it in one way or the other and that is why I decided to write about this safe driving tips aiming to teach you a few things you must avoid before or while driving.

5 Things you must avoid before or while driving

Without wasting much of your time, let get started, below are the 5 safe driving tips, you must be aware of to protect your life and that of others.

Avoid distractions while driving

I don't know how you do your things when it comes to handling a steering wheel, but I recommend you to avoid being distracted for any reason and the examples of such distractions can be, looking at women or any other thing while driving, Answering phone calls while driving.

I understand how important a phone call means to you, but it can as well distract you and if you must answer calls while driving, then do yourself a favor by getting a hands-free wireless Bluetooth headset that will enable you to answer your calls without removing your hands from the steering wheels.

Men are very good when it comes to looking at women but it will be better if you don't risk your life because as you are busy looking elsewhere your car will equally be heading to a wrong direction.

You only got the chance to look and admire the handwork of God's creation because you are alive, so don't risk such opportunity by driving recklessly.

Don't drink too much Alcohol before or while driving

Alcohol is something that can make you lose your senses if you are not careful that is why it's important not to drink too much and if possible don't drink at all especially when you are going to drive because it might be too late for you to understand how it happened.

Stay within the speed limits

If you are a good driver that knows how to drive safe then you will equally understand that it's not necessarily important to show the size of your engine on the road thereby endangering your life and that of others.

Don't over-speed just because your car is new and has what it takes to run faster but remember one thing, to be safe you must stay within the speed limit, it doesn't matter how long it takes for you to reach your destination but what matters is that you are safe and sound.

Avoid sleeping or feeling sleepy while driving

Feeling sleepy or even sleeping while driving is one of the major causes of road accidents and you must avoid it at all cost and prevent disaster from happening, the best way to avoid it is to plan your movement well, i mean try to sleep and rest when you should and not on the steering wheels.

What to do when you suddenly feel sleepy while driving

The worst thing you can do is pretending to be okay when you fully know that you are feeling sleepy while on a steering and the wise decision is to stop immediately and relax I bit to be sure that you are 100% okay before you continue your journey.

Don't be in a haste to overtake others

What makes you a good driver is not about how much you can speed but your ability to know when to overtake and when not because if you make any mistake about it then it can cost lives and unrepairable damages so while trying to overtake it will be necessary to look well and use your horn when necessary to notify the person you want to overtake to avoid going to the same direction because not everyone you see on the road is a professional driver.

Finally, your life is not just important to you but think about your family, wife, children, husband, mother, father, friends and your well-wishers.


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