Guava leaves, fruit effect on fertility, pregnancy & sperm count


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Guava leaves, fruit effect on fertility, pregnancy & sperm count
Posted on: January 18, 2019, 10:16:11 PM
The Guava fruit is a popular fruit prescribed to young couples as well as it's a leaf.

It's a fruit rumored to have effects on female fertility and the male sperm count. How do the guava fruit and leaf affect fertility? Read down as we take a look at it step by step.

Guava and it's benefits

The guava isn't an unpopular fruit to natives all over the world being that it was used for traditional medicine throughout man's ancient history even till today. The leaves of the fruit are grounded and the juice filtered. Patients were usually treated with such likely combinations with other herbs.

The leaf of the fruit isn't corrosive as one may fear, it's unharmful nature called for nutritional research on the fruit. The fruit, as well as the leaves, are proven to have almost the same numbers of nutrients.

Due to its high nutritional content, traditional medicine hardly goes without some quantity of guava.

Modern medicine also does require one take in guava - whether the leaf extract or the fruit at some necessary interval. Their fruit juice is more preferred by doctors than others due to its low sugar content.

As a diabetes sufferer, drinking juices might not be an option presented to you by doctors. Don't be surprised if you're asked to drink some quantity of guava juice periodically. Why? The sugar content of guava is low compared to ones of other fruit and so is it's juice - except there's sugar added to the juice.

Diabetes patients get to benefit from the fruit as the sugar-reducing composition of the fruit lowers the sugar level in the system. There's a piece on whether cocoyams are good for Diabetes patients or not?.

A publication on nutrition presented laboratory data from several studies that showed that guava leaf tea inhibits several different enzymes. These enzymes convert carbohydrates in the digestive tract into glucose, thus slowing their absorption in the blood.

Low sugar contents aren't good for a diabetes patient only, it's highly important for growing children. You can try distracting them from other fruit juices except the one of guava, as they might miss out on the nutrient from this fruit.

The fruit reduces the cholesterol levels in the body. High cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases. To prevent this, guava balances the sodium and potassium content of the body.

The fruit is very powerful in fighting cancer. Scientific reports have it that frequent consumption of guava reduces the risk of cancer. The likelihood of getting prostate cancer which is frequent among men of all ages can be reduced by frequenting your system with guava leaf extracts. Other types of cancer like that of the skin, lung, breast, etc can be prevented in this way.

Another way the guava fruit does perfectly as it should is in regulating blood pressure. As a young fellow or a mature adult uninfected by high or low blood pressure, the issue of the pressure of the blood might not interest you. If you've got aged relatives, educate them on the need to add guava fruit to their menu so as to maintain a considerable level of blood pressure.

The vitamin B3, B6 contained in the fruit helps in optimizing brain functions. These vitamins help also in the brain development of babies in the womb.

For good sleep, you might need some quantity of guava tea. The compounds present in the leaf help enhance sleep and rest. These attributes cannot be under-estimated.

Another element needed in small quantities in the body is manganese. This element is present to some extent in guava fruit.

The importance of Vitamin C in the body isn't denied. The guava fruit contains four times more Vitamin C if compared with oranges. Citrus fruits are widely known to be a major source of vitamin C, but scientist makes us understand that the guava fruit contains more of the vitamin than oranges.

Today's society sees thin people as models. This has put fat persons into the search for fat-reducing drinks. Guava leaf tea prevents the transformation of complex carbohydrates such as starch into sugar. Adding guava leaf tea to your daily diet would help you stay off food for most periods of the day.

The drink can also be beneficial for people who are too thin as well. The fruit regulates and helps the proper absorption of nutrients making for considerate body size.

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The guava leaf extract is recommended for hair and skin problems. Skin problems like acne scars, dark spots, skin rashes can be well treated with guava leaves. Certain compounds in guava leaf improve the growth of hair as well.

Analysis of Guava revealed the following substances:
» alkaloids;
» anthocyanins;
» carotenoids;
» essential oils;
» fatty acids;
» flavonoids ;
» lectins;
» phenols;
» saponins;
» tannins;
» triterpenes;
» vitamin C …

Effects of Guava fruits and leaves on female fertility

Having babies has been the problem of many homes - a situation that might tear down young homes. Children do act as a mediator between the father and the mother and sometimes become the link to their stay together.

Some couples might face difficulty in getting babies - especially the inability of the woman to be pregnant.

Suggested medication to trigger hormones in the woman's womb help to some extent. There's one substance present in Guava called 'folate' by scientists.

They found out that folate is important to female fertility by boosting hormones responsible for fetus formation. In a fertility study, the group of women who took the highest amount of folate daily experienced up to a 20 percent increase in successful births compared with the other groups.

One cup of guava juice is said to contain 20 percent of your daily folate requirements.

There are other compounds most of which we had listed that aid the hormones necessary for fertility. Nutrients like vitamins C, calcium, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin E, and magnesium, Vitamin B9 all help pregnancy and they are present in guava leaves and fruit.

Effects of Guava fruits and leaves on Male fertility

Unlike certain fruits, Guava aids both men's and women's fertility. Guava seems to have more effect on men's fertility than women's.

Researches have proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the guava leaf and fruit aid fertility in men. Research from the Department of Anatomy at the University of Llorinhas published a study in the African Journal of Medicine of the fertility boosting property of the plant.

According to them an extract from guava affected sperm counts in rats. 18 Wister rats weighing a maximum of 124 g were experimented upon. They were subdivided into three groups, with 6 animals in each group. One of the groups was given 250 mg of the extract, the second group given 500 mg. The third group was a control group.

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They observed that sperm counts increased significantly in the first groups when the results were compared to the control group for each animal.

 How was guava extractable to boost sperm count? Scientists found that men with idiopathic male factor infertility produced more abnormal sperm and these sperms produced free radicals.

These free radicals damage nearby sperm’s cell membranes, DNA, and cell structures. The end effect was that the source sperm begin to die faster and swim slower. Their likelihood of reaching the egg before dying off is hindered.

Scientists also found that lycopene is one of the best carotenoid antioxidants for fighting free radicals. Lycopene levels which are lower in men with idiopathic male factor infertility decline with age meaning fertility in men are markedly lower with age progress.

What they later found out was that giving patients with idiopathic male factor infertility a daily lycopene supplement increased their sperm counts by about 70 percent.

Guava juice is filled with lycopene and so is tomato juice. Lycopene gives guava fruit its reddish pigment.

Infertility like other diseases is a menace to the human community. Rather than patronizing toxic medicine, the average servings of some fruits might be important. The supplement found in guava can't be undermined in the quest for good and healthy living. More on health-related expositions could be found by surfing through the forum's health category.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2020, 10:50:13 AM by Everest »

Sylvia abam

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Hello. Please kindly educate me with the information of the best time to take guava leave tea for fertility. As a female, should it be before, or after the menstruation period ? Or should it be taken every day by the couple?

Looking forward to your reply. Regards.


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Thanks so much for these knowledge, pls i want to know the best period to take the guava leave and also if it's best for couple to take it together. Thanks

Ada Helen

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Can i use dry guava leave for fertility?


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Re: Guava leaves, fruit effect on fertility, pregnancy & sperm count
#4 Posted on: September 08, 2020, 03:19:21 PM
Wen to take guave leaf


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Does the leaves help to regulate irregular periods?


  • Guest
Please I want to know when  I can  take the guava leaf, is it before or after menstruation and what quantity


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Pls is it taken before meal or after meal.


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Pls is it taken before meal or after meal.
If you want to try guava leaves, it's best to consume them as tea, as the leaves are inedible. Here's how to make guava leaf tea using dried guava leaves. Add 1–2 teaspoons (2.5–5 grams) of dried guava leaves to a tea infuser. Add 1 cup (240 mL) of boiling water.

Mr Nicky

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Does the leaves help to regulate irregular periods?


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Can I use guava leave during ovulation

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