Google added Intelligence to Analytics (how to use it)


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Google added Intelligence to Analytics (how to use it)
Posted on: August 22, 2017, 12:12:40 PM
Google recently added a new feature in webmasters analytics called Intelligence and if you have recently logged in to your google analytics you will definitely see the new feature and after examing how the now Google Analytics Intelligence works I decided to explain more about how useful the Intelligence features to webmasters.

Initially, when I first saw the Analytics Intelligence feature on my dashboard I was not able to understand it until later when I decided to take a look and after checking it out I started to love it and am sure you will equally like it if you know how useful the new Google Analytics Intelligence can be to you and your business.

How does Analytics Intelligence works?

Am sure Google provided an official information regarding the new Analytics Intelligence feature but from what I saw Intelligence works great and its main objective is to help you understand and grow your website/blog visibility as it analyzes your website performance, visitors in-flow and outflow, bounce rate, landing pages and your audience overall behavior.

Since the new Google Analytics Intelligence feature has the power to analyzes your website performance, visitors in-flow and outflow, bounce rate, landing pages, and your audience overall behavior,
it uses those information to help you optimize your web pages and overall rankings in Google Search engine results pages (SERP).

Apart from monitoring your website performance, Analytics Intelligence also has another feature that allows you to ask questions and get an answer real-time and Analytics Intelligence will be able to answer some of the questions related to your web pages because it has the power to monitor, analyze and know everything about your web pages.

With Analytics Intelligence you will occasionally be notified about your landing pages, income traffic from other links apart from search engines and possible ways to optimize other pages on your website.

Finally, Analytics Intelligence has been useful to me and am sure it will equally help you but in case you are not familiar with it or know how to use it feel free to ask any question related to Google Analytics Intelligence


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