Distinguish/Difference Between Role Model And Mentor, With Its Function.


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Often time we hear people speak of role models or mentor and most times argue between Role model and Mentor with out knowing the difference or how the two things relates. This write up will help us to understand and distinguish between the two. And also help you if you intend to have one or become one.

A role model is an individual that serves as an example of values, attitudes, inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, in line to our fullest potential.
A role model may, or may not be the person you know. For instance Some have music stars, football stars, movie stars, etc. As their role model.

A mentor is a person or a friend who guides a less experienced person by building trust and modeling positive behaviour. A mentor advice, gives their opinion on a problem faced by the individual they guides. It is more of personal relationship and the person is usually older than you.
A mentor understand his or her role to be dependable, engaged, authentic. It is the only trusted friend or counselor.

Functions of an effective mentor

* Add important values
* Help an individual to know how to exercise skills that are often unused.
* Help individual to grow and develop psychologically.
* Help individuals build social relationship.
* Help individuals to reduce negative feelings.
* Help individuals to build confidence in his or her self.


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