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Topic Summary

Posted by: Asphalt
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:20:24 PM »

The purpose of schooling is to acquire knowledge; atleast thats what they say. Knowledge is certainly the power as we come to see in today's world. There is a huge gap between knowledge and practical technology.

That is why parents sacrifice to send their children through to a tertiary institution atleast to gain some knowlege and the other part of practicals.

Having a first class grade is the wish of most freshers in school. However, recurrent trends shows that this goal slowly diminish as they advance in their career in school. The reason is not far-fetched as returning students soon learn to know as their remaining time in school tends to zero.

Apart from these reasons which i would help 'advanced' students and aspiring ones recall, making this grade in any institution in Nigeria demands a lot. 

Most Nigerian tertiary institution run a 5 - point grade system with a first class grade accrued a 4.50 - 5.00 grade points. A second class upper grade commonly referred to as the 2:1 has a wide grade points ranging from 3.5 - 4.49 .

Read more about how to make a good CGPA!

To make a '5.00' grade warrants you have an all A's in all your courses till final year! It might sound impossible but other have really ground those odds. You can really be one; it all depends on your choice.

Steps to take in order to make a first class in Nigeria

The following are the basic steps to take with the aim of bettering your chances of graduating with a distinction:

1. Make good friends

I had wanted to advice you on making few friends but unfortunately that might kill your chance of graduating with a good grade.

Having quantity of friends around would create that versatility in you. It would even strenghten your chances of picking some marks around via reliable spread of information about yet-to-do assessments & assignments.

I would rather advice that you make more friends who are intelligent and delligent with their books. These class of friends would make your academic work easier and as well encourage you to always put up all your best.

Read more on avoiding carryovers in higher institutions

2. Plan effectively

One thing is to plan another is whether the plan is really effective. Take for instance, you had 9 courses the last semester and out of the nine you had: 1 - B; 4 - C; 3 - D and 1 - F, then in a plan that has making an all 'A's the coming semester, there is also room in the plan for 4-5 hours visiting of friend on saturdays and sundays, that is a sure example of planning and determination but not an effective one.

It just needs time to die a slow but steady death. A good and effective plan must be sensible and reliable having much preference to the goal. Keeping these plans demands discipline. I know you can make your own effective plans or make and old one effective! No need of much talk.

3. Self control and determination

Who have never told you that the higher institution demands self control and determination. You will regularly hear from student who had never in their lives put down their buttocks, join up their legs to study talk about how tough the school is.

One factor responsible for this is that the 'lowly bred' or better put 'uncultured' set of students entering campuses completely feels blank to shedule and have already been lost before they arrived.

If you've never been cultured from sexual immoralities, work overload, academic pressure, monetary pressure, keeping-up-the-balance pressure then you never knew the university is the universal city of all trouble.

4. Balance things up

If you aim at making a first class, then you certainly should be one with skill in balancing up things. Go to your religious house - church,mosque...  that would give you a sense that you really are not battling alone. Finish your assignments on time ( if it's one that warrants money to be attached, please follow procedure).

Follow up your CGPA and make sure your works are accurate befitting of a high class student. Cross your t's and dot your i's. Stay healthy and avoid distractions. Eat well and do good service to sleep - they didn't sent you to school to stay awake as security guards but learning to might do good to your CV ;) .

Read on how to make better grades in high school! 

Making a good grade in school demands hard work as an end note; you might still earn it through the back door, no doubt. However make one that would make your people proud. You can make it! Just try!